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Awk for Hoodlums
I think it would be very useful for to have support for .csv files as this is a very common file format used by data analysts.
I can run all the examples in the README except the last one which gives the following error: : ~/programs/hawk/src/HSL/Types.hs:57:5-41: Non-exhaustive patterns in function parseMany
I propose to use this issue to put all the interesting problems that can be solved with `Hawk` that we have in mind and then select the most interesting to...
The user should be able to query `Hawk` about the context of the user expressions. For instance, if user's `prelude.hs` is: ``` haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import qualified Data.Bool...
I'm experiencing some problems when many `hawk` instances are created. You can recreate it by pipelining many `hawk` calls: ``` > hawk -e '[1..100]' | hawk -m 'P.replicate 10' hawk:...
Such as ``` import Prelude hiding (lines, unlines) ``` for example.
We can't use doctest (nor hspec, I assume) to test the behaviour of the tool on the command-line. I volunteer to write a small doctest-like tool for that. For example,...
hawk currently outputs tuples as space-separated columns by default. I think tabs should be the default.
If the user's expression has type `(a, b) -> c`, implicitly parse the input as tab-separated columns.