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Calculating Value at Risk with Spark
Spark Risk Monte Carlo
A simple Spark application that calculates Value at Risk using the Monte Carlo method.
To make a jar:
mvn package
To run from a gateway node in a CDH5.1+ cluster:
spark-submit --class com.cloudera.datascience.montecarlorisk.MonteCarloRisk --master local \
target/montecarlo-risk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
<instruments file> <num trials> <parallellism> <factor means file> <factor covariances file>
This will run the application in a single local process. If the cluster is running a Spark standalone
cluster manager, you can replace "--master local" with "--master spark://<master host>
:<master port>
If the cluster is running YARN, you can replace "--master local" with "--master yarn".