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Essentials to get you started with your Arduino projects using the ESP8266 and ESP32.


ESP8266 ESP32 arduino-library-badge LGPL-2.1 license

Essentials for the ESP8266 and ESP32 to get you started with your Arduino project without any of the annoying stuff.


  • Serial output
  • Wifi connection management using WiFiManager
  • Webserver including file upload and editing via browser
  • OTA firmware update
  • Web firmware update



ESPEssentials only needs three lines of additional code:

#include <ESPEssentials.h>

void setup()
    ESPEssentials::init("Project Name");

void loop()



By default the baud rate will be 115200. You can specify it with

ESPEssentials::init("Project Name", 9600);


All WiFiManager methods can be accessed through the Wifi instance. For example to reset wifi settings:


More information can be found here.


HTTP requests can be initialized within setup(). For example to reset wifi settings by accessing http://<device-ip>/reset_wifi:

ESPEssentials::WebServer.on("/reset_wifi", HTTP_GET, [&]() {
    ESPEssentials::WebServer.send(200, "text/plain", "Wifi settings reset.");

Note: The routes /edit, /handle_update, /list, /reboot and /update are already used by ESPEssentials and can not be used.

To edit files inside your browser upload /data/edit.htm.gz to the root directory. The easiest way to do this is by accessing http://<device-ip>/edit and uploading it from there. Afterwards you can access the file editor via the same URL to edit files directly on the device.

Each file created/uploaded that way can be accessed via the corresponding URL (e.g. http://<device-ip>/myPage to access /myPage.htm).

OTA firmware update

An OTA password can be set up with

ESPEssentials::init("Project Name", "hunter2");

Web firmware update

Open http://<device-ip>/update and select a .bin file to upload a new firmware to the ESP8266/ESP32 from within the web browser. If a password has been supplied to init you will be asked to authenticate. The username is admin.