getssl copied to clipboard
can tokens be uploaded via FTPS?
My web hosting provides an FTPS connection using TLS encryption. Is it possible to upload my tokens to my server via FTPS with this script?
I've tried modifying the getssl.cfg for the ACL line to ftps
however this hasn't been successful.
Uploading a file manually with curl using the following works for me -
curl -k -v ftps:// -u user:password -T testfile.txt
My hosting provides a self-signed certificate during the FTPS handshake which I must accept hence the -k
Thank you, Nick
Forget my last comment. Sorry… 😔
I've missed that you're talking about the challenge token.
I wrote a fix to add in FTPS functionality myself. Depending on how the FTPS server is setup this may work for you too.
Before line 550.
elif [[ "${to:0:5}" == "sftp:" ]] ; then
insert the following -
echo "in-ftps-loop"
if [[ "$cert" != "challenge token" ]] ; then
error_exit "ftps has only been tested for challenge tokens"
debug "using ftps to copy the file from $from"
ftpuser=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $2}')
ftppass=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $3}')
ftphost=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $4}')
ftplocn=$(echo "$to"| awk -F: '{print $5}')
ftpdirn=$(dirname "$ftplocn")
ftpfile=$(basename "$ftplocn")
fromdir=$(dirname "$from")
fromfile=$(basename "$from")
debug "ftps user=$ftpuser - pass=$ftppass - host=$ftphost dir=$ftpdirn file=$ftpfile"
debug "from dir=$fromdir file=$fromfile"
echo " "
echo "Using CURL to upload challenge token to webserver via FTPS"
echo " "
curl -k ftps://$ftphost$ftpdirn/ -u $ftpuser:$ftppass -T $fromdir/$fromfile
echo " "
echo "after curl statement"
echo " "
If you also want to add some useful colour to the script to help highlight when intermediate CA cert's have been downloaded successfully you could also add
echo -e ${GREEN}The intermediate CA cert is in${NC} $gc_cafile
after line 836
info "The intermediate CA cert is in $gc_cafile"
and insert
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
after line 240.
Cheers, Nick