gradle-gulp-plugin copied to clipboard
Gradle plugin for running Gulp tasks
Dear @srs, Thanks for such a great plugin. But I am hitting the wall when using this plugin in my application. Here the error when i run **gradle build --info**...
HI , I think this question has been asked. But just wanted to confirm, if gulp is enhanced a solution. I have below structure - Projects ``` | | ------local-modules...
demo-kotlin>gradlew bootRun --stacktrace :compileKotlin UP-TO-DATE :compileJava NO-SOURCE :copyMainKotlinClasses UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :findMainClass :bootRun . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _...
1. Start gulp with ``` bash gradle gulp_ ``` 1. End process with ctrl+c. -> node process is left running background ``` bash gradle --version ------------------------------------------------------------ Gradle 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Build...
Nodejs provides optional support for the NODE_PATH environment variable to resolve the optional location(s) of the node_modules directory. This feature provides support for the NODE_PATH environment variable after the local...
This doesn't work for me: ``` task gulpBuildWithOpts(type: GulpTask) { args = ["build", "arg1", "arg2"] } ``` It tries to find a gulp task arg1: ``` [18:57:57] Task 'arg1' is...
Hey guys, i was windering if this plugin works with the upcoming gulp 4. Gulp 4 fixes so many problems and has build in sequence support with nice syntax ect....
Hi, if I got this two information bits right, I get into trouble if I want to mode the node_modules folder somewhere else but keep the gulpfile.js still in my...
installGulp do not use gulp.workingDir for installig and GulpTask too. `gradle installGulp` install gulp into projectRoot/node_modules GulpTask do not see gulp that installed into gulp.workingDir/node_modules
setting : > npm config set registry "" > via gradle