Stefan Röper
Stefan Röper
I have the same problem, just updated to 2022.06.24 without any change. Is there any progress on this issue?
Just tried Version 2022.7 (2022.07.04), still no change in the behaviour. If I open a new script and write "use " it starts to request "access to Documents" and repeats...
I would be able to be the volunteer for testing :-)
As far as I understand this site ( you need a Developer ID Application Certificate (Mac applications), which you can request from within Xcode. Seems all you need is an...
Very cool! I just changed the Info.plist and put the correct name into CFBundleIconFile (icon-nightly.icns) and OpenScad does not ask anymore! Can't believe it... And now OpenScad appears under System...
The hooray was to early. Now I have another problem. I can open all files (all located under Documents/OpenSCAD) and never get the permission question. BUT when I press F5...
Ok, fixed. A simple reboot and everything seems to work now.
A last amendment, I also renamed my OpenSCAD folder in Documents and let OpenSCAD create a new one. After that I moved my libraries Folder an my other files to...
The error with the wrong info.plist (icon path) is still not fixed in version 2022.08.08, is there anybody out there who can do that please?
It is clear that these functions are only syntactic sugar because we can archive the same with ``as`` and ``Optional.empty()`` but would make the intention more clear in my opinion....