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A multi-fuzzer management utility for all of your Rust fuzzing needs 🧑‍🎤

Results 20 ziggy issues
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Target output could be redirected to a log file, while the CLI output could show some kind of progress report.


There should be a great docs.rs documentation generated from in-code documentation comments. - [x] how to use example - [ ] how to use each subcommand - [x] explain the...


Right now AFL++ and Honggfuzz numbers are formatted differently, because we're reading strings (e.g. `1230 execs/sec | 1,234/sec`) and not just numbers (`1234`). We should fix that and format numbers...


- [ ] add libfuzzer (basically only because of -value_profile) - [ ] add libafl (because it is amazing)

the harnesses created by ziggy should support giving them filenames, .e.g target/afl/debug/foo-fuzz file.1 file.2 file.3 and those files are just given to the harness function on by one.

Ziggy could be given an API key through ENV or the CLI, which it could then use to send out notifications to the user. Ideas for the notification platform include:...


honggfuzz allows for binding to a CPU with --pin_thread_cpu=1 however it is very ineffective/naive about this, it always binds the same CPUs, even if multiple honggfuzz fuzzing campaigns are running....

Allow setting `-rss_limit_mb` via the CLI


Map out the `cargo hfuzz run-debug` command to `cargo ziggy debug` to allow dropping into the debugger on crash.


Implements and closes #75 TODO - [x] test - [x] clean up gcda files on restart - [x] tbd