Thanks for the prompt answer. :) Unfortunately, it looks like the website is down (at least for me). Generally, I would prefer a decentralized solution to this issue; basically part...
Nope. It does not work. :( Discovery here does not necessarily mean search and find one and only one result on the first try. Uniqueness is not required here. Ambiguity...
@zetok @stqism That is funny. nslookup with my default DNS server tells me: "server can't find NXDOMAIN". nslookup with tells me the IP address of When...
@GrayHatter Not sure if I understand the document correctly but it seems that I would need to contact a DNS server to include my Tox URI. Again not that simple...
@all Let me tell you what I actually had in mind (also with respect to @ArchangeGabriel's privacy concern): a checkbox in the client which basically allow's Tox to distribute my...
Nice to see I produced my concern understandably. :) I imagine that I could simply enter the username (or part of it) in the interface ("Add new friend") and the...
An additional idea would be to have friends automatically verify if the id of another friend matches. Not bulletproof either but when done in background provides another means of security...
> Where would this database be kept in a distributed network? Somewhere in the DHT. I share search data like {'username': 'me'} signed with my key. If you want to...
> I stated in IRC earlier the details, but doing it correctly is an engineering problem that doesn't even have a solution. Like, no distributed database designs in existence fit...
> You say it needs to be more user friendly, but then say it can just seemingly randoms drop features? > > It is okay if the data is not...