Sriharsha Kandala
Sriharsha Kandala
We currently use `Spline1D` interpolation from `Dierckx` package at a couple of locations in `ClimaAtmos`. However, this package is not GPU compatible. We would like to add a `Spline1D` function...
Update `LookUp` tables and reference datasets to match with version `1.7` or RRTMGP cc: @szy21
## Purpose Add all-sky tuning file ---- - [ ] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
## Purpose Restructure longwave RTE solver ---- - [x] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
## Purpose ## To-do ## Content ---- - [ ] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
## Purpose Update `ncol` for `all_sky` benchmark to match with 100km resolution run ---- - [x] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
## Purpose Reduce metadata size for shortwave solver, refactor code (work-in-progress) ---- - [ ] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
Update parameters/tolerances based on precision ---- - [ ] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.
Refactor compute_col_gas! ---- - [x] I have read and checked the items on the review checklist.