Sreedhar Reddy V
Sreedhar Reddy V
i would love to but i am not sure where to do the change :-)
hello peritus Thanks for the reply. we ran RIDE with -L TRACE arguments passed to Pybot. The below is the error log. Starting test: AndroidClientAuto.Install 20130122 15:34:30.313 : TRACE :...
ya, adb.exe exists and is executable. one small observation is when we ran with CMD prompt in admin mode, we are not getting error for "wait for device" but we...
Peritus, strictly speaking there should be always one adb process to run right, running multiple adb.exe is not a safe way to communicate with the device. We observed in the...
hello peritus some time the "install apllication" is throwing an error saying [Error 5] access denied. But once i restart the machine, it seems working fine. but after some executions...
Hello peritus, i restarted my machine, now i executed the below script Wait For Device Install Application xxxxxxx.apk Start Testserver With Apk xxxxxxx.apk no keyword has failed , all the...
I read in the below link saying we need to install the test server seperatley, but i dont know where the test server is located. after reading this i...
i really did not undesratnd why it is aying the api level doesnot exist D:\Official\Projects\xxxxx\SupportSoftwares\Android\android_sdk_win dows\platforms\android-${android.api.level} does not exist. i have all the folders with api levels satrting from 3...