new-openables copied to clipboard
/click StaticPopup1Button1
Hey mate,
first of all, thank you very much for forking your NOP so we can still use it. So far so good, no bigtime issue, but something i found and concerns me that it could be fixed. So, when you try to delete green/blue/purple item you have to click the popup (for blue/purples you have to type DELETE, as you may know). While playing around i was able to enter text automatically into that field (for blue/purples) and was able to use /click StaticPopup1Button1
to confirm deletion. So, would it be possible to implement again the blue/rare automatic deleting? With the following lua i az able to enter DELETE
in the confirmation window automatically:
C_Timer.After(0.1, function() hooksecurefunc(StaticPopupDialogs["DELETE_GOOD_ITEM"],"OnShow",function(s) s.editBox:SetText(DELETE_ITEM_CONFIRM_STRING) end) end)
the event i use is DELETE_ITEM_CONFIRM
Anyhow, i'll try to find if i can fix the addon itself and will make a push request if i succeed