Serhii Khoma

Results 139 issues of Serhii Khoma

## Summary functions that are equal to `unsafeCoerce` should in removed during application. ## Motivation to increase speed of compiled js. ## Examples ```purs import Prelude import Unsafe.Coerce testWithoutAlias ::...

type: enhancement

## Summary we want to cache results of ```js var eqArray = function (dictEq) { return new Eq($foreign.eqArrayImpl(eq(dictEq))); }; ``` to the separate file (because caching in one big file...

type: enhancement

reopened (but on master branch instead of next-6) _________ re > but in this pull request they make it difficult to see precisely what is changing I have...

before purs 0.13.8 generated ```js var classes = (function () { var $14 = prop(Halogen_HTML_Core.isPropString)("className"); var $15 = Data_String_Common.joinWith(" "); var $16 =; return function ($17) { return $14($15($16($17)));...

the `requestAnimationFrame` optimisation is described here this is done here [_Browser_makeAnimator]( meaning of states (I don't particularly understand) ```purs data State -- no requestAnimationFrame is created, if you see...

from should be changed to Node and value should be removed ____ because it says here ``` Default content entered between the opening and closing tags. does not...

currently: we call `mkSpec` on each component creation (i.e. `Widget`) here expected: reuse 1 VdomSpec for each component _____ theoretically creating per each component is not required, but I...

is there any example application with isomorphic / server side rendering? e.g. Pux framework has one

I've checked how fast it is on purescript-halogen-realworld and got this ![2020-06-10-11:04:53-screenshot]( ![2020-06-10-11:05:12-screenshot]( I think using non-curried functions in `runUI` will help what are other suggestions?