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Experimental ClojureScript to ES6 module compiler
What approaches would be feasible, while also allowing for tree-shaking by ES6 tooling?
When using only one function from cherry/cljs.core.js, e.g. `js-keys`, and then processing this with a treeshaker like esbuild or ncc, it seems that it's still pulling in the entire package....
Should we transpile this one with cherry or pre-create using the Closure compiler?
Questions: is splice supported everywhere now? What do we gain, what risk do we take by optimizing this?
I think we could make ES6 output vs .cjs or whatever else output configurable, so the compiler API gives you some options, for e.g. when you want to integrate the...
I've got this from running the tests: ``` Testing cherry.compiler-test FAIL in (return-test) (Error:NaN:NaN) Uncaught exception, not in assertion. expected: nil actual: #object[Error Error: vector is not ISeqable] FAIL in...
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How do you turn on source map support for debugging?