fragments icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fragments copied to clipboard

Organise your bookmarks into boards


Collect and organise your articles into beautiful boards. Fragments is build with Meteor, so please refer to its official documentation about the development with such technology.


First, you have to copy the default settings file and put all your API keys in it.

cp settings.example.json settings.json

Then just run meteor as described here below.


$ meteor --settings settings.json

Build for release

$ meteor build path/to/dir


You may need to install the following packages:

meteor npm install --save babel-runtime
meteor npm install --save babel-runtime jquery hammerjs desandro-get-style-property eventie doc-ready desandro-matches-selector wolfy87-eventemitter get-size fizzy-ui-utils outlayer

Deployment script for Unix machines

. ~/.nvm/
. ~/.profile
. ~/.bashrc

nvm use 4
cd source
git pull
meteor build ../build
cd ../build
tar -xzvf source.tar.gz
mv bundle/ ../release
cd ../release/programs/server/
npm install
cd ../../../
rm -rf build
rm -rf past-release
mv current past-release
mv release current

export MONGO_URL=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/fragments
export ROOT_URL=
export METEOR_SETTINGS=$(cat env.json)
export PORT=1234
forever stop fragments-production || true
forever start -a --uid fragments-production current/main.js