sqlc copied to clipboard
keyword with causing "column does not exist"
What happened?
I wanted to make an update query that also returns some more detailed data from other tables. The update query itself works fine, but the "WITH" statement causes the "column does not exist" error during code generation in already tested update query.
Relevant log output
No response
Database schema
create table attribute_value
id bigserial not null,
val text not null,
attribute bigint not null
create table attribute
id bigserial not null,
name text not null
SQL queries
-- name: UpdateAttributeValueDoesntWork :one
with updated_attribute as (UPDATE attribute_value
val = CASE WHEN @filter_value::bool THEN @value ELSE val END
WHERE attribute_value.id = @id
RETURNING id,attribute,val)
select updated_attribute.id, val, name
from updated_attribute
left join attribute on updated_attribute.attribute = attribute.id;
-- name: UpdateAttributeValueWorks :one
UPDATE attribute_value
val = CASE WHEN @filter_value::bool THEN @value ELSE val END
WHERE attribute_value.id = @id
RETURNING id,attribute,val;
No response
Playground URL
What operating system are you using?
What database engines are you using?
What type of code are you generating?
Hi @kubik51 i just wrote my own sql query with "WITH" keyword, and it worked as intended no error.
i know its not helpful, but maybe its something else.
@DarkHeros09 hmmm... it could be something else. Its just, the "WITH" query itself is valid and the update query inside it is also valid. Maybe its the combination of database structure and the "WITH" query syntax.
@kubik51 did you test your query on the database using sql editor before generating it?
@DarkHeros09 yes I did. The weird part about it is that when I try to SET any other table column instead of "val" with the same query, the code generator works fine. ( Yes I triple checked the database and the db schema script, also tried to rename the column )
@kubik51 hmm if the query worked on the sql editor, then there's definitely an issue here. sorry that i can't help you any further, but i hope someone will.
Best of luck.
one last thing try using double quotes on val --> "val"
-- name: UpdateAttributeValueDoesntWork :one
WITH updated_attribute AS (
UPDATE attribute_value
"val" = CASE WHEN @filter_value::bool THEN @value ELSE "val" END
WHERE attribute_value.id = @id
RETURNING id,attribute,"val")
select updated_attribute.id, "val", name
from updated_attribute
left join attribute on updated_attribute.attribute = attribute.id;
@DarkHeros09 tried that too :| still the same error message. Anyway, thank you for your effort.
Got a similar issue here: I've got a definition for a view that makes sqlc fail:
CREATE VIEW public.projects_ranked AS
SELECT project_saves.id,
GREATEST(project_saves.created_at, update_timestamps.last_update_timestamp) AS last_change,
(sqrt((COALESCE(project_saves.save_count, (0)::bigint))::double precision) + COALESCE(((4)::double precision * exp(((('-0.1'::numeric)::double precision * date_part('epoch'::text, age(GREATEST(project_saves.last_description_update, update_timestamps.last_update_timestamp)))) / (((60 * 60) * 24))::double precision))), (0)::double precision)) AS score
FROM ((public.projects
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT count(*) AS save_count,
FROM public.project_saves project_saves_1
GROUP BY project_saves_1.project_id) save_counts ON ((projects.id = save_counts.project_id))) project_saves
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT max(updates."timestamp") AS last_update_timestamp,
FROM public.updates
GROUP BY updates.project_id) update_timestamps ON ((update_timestamps.project_id = project_saves.id)))
WHERE (project_saves.public = true);
Here the "projects" table should have the "id" property (and therefore also "project-saves"), but sqlc generate
throws an error:
# package sqlc
schema.sql:178:9: column "id" does not exist
Note that the view itself works perfectly in postgres. Might this be a similar issue since both have to do with a missing column in a "virtual table" (subselect or view)?
This is fixed in v1.23.0 by enabling the database-backed query analyzer. We added a test case for this issue so it won’t break in the future.
You can play around with the working example on the playground