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IDBFS persistent backend example
As far as I understand sql.js no longer needs to export the whole database to persist data with this new backend!!!
We should add an example that sets up sql.js with IDBFS chosen, and then compare performance.
Yes, I've seen that too, and it's great.
But I don't really have time right now for adding this to sql.js.
Pull requests are welcome :)
Just an idea: I played a little bit with SQLite's sqlite3_vfs and sql.js: it is possible to implement a custom vfs and register, use it in sql.js. I tried it with test_demovfs.c. The idea is to create a idb_vfs for browsers that splits the sqlite file into chunks to store them in indexedDB and upon read/write requests loads the necessary chunks. Keeping a complete sqlite file and load/write each time seems not to make much sense. No sure though, if splitting is technically feasible and fast enough.
I am trying to port some cross platform code into WebAssembly .The code itself contains some logic to manipulate SQLite database and save it. Now the build succeeded but when run, I see issues about SQLite: The query to create tables run without error, but after that, the select query will fail with some error complain the file is not a database. I tried to just open the in-memory database, then everything works. So I think the problem is that currently the normal persist logic not work for emscripten's IDBFS. @lovasoa , can you help confirm this? @jvail , what's the status of your work? I'd love to contribute if needed.
Just disable memory map IO and now seems everything works.
@Hao-Yan AS far as I remember it works just fine in node if you mount the file system. I have not tried it in the browser yet.