spyder copied to clipboard
Open python file from remote server
Since I can connect to an existing kernel via SSH, can you make it possible to open python files from remote servers, avoid having a local script?
Not right now. We plan to do this in future Spyder versions.
I, too, would like to see this feature implemented. FYI vscode has already implemented this feature: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh
Thank you in advance! @ccordoba12
This is something we're already discussing how to implement and it'll probably land next year.
any update on this? :)
Any update on this topic? I like very much the variable explorer in Spyder, I really hope that we can debug codes on the remote server with Spyder
We will try to add this to Spyder 6, to be released next year.
@ccordoba12 Really appreciate it if that would be possible, taking a local copy of the script and the entire data every time is a bit time taking.
We're evaluating how to improve our support for remote development. This year we asked for funding to do precisely that, but unfortunately we didn't get it. We'll see what we can do about it in 2022.
Hello! Wondering if this is still on the table?
Yes, it is. It should be available in Spyder next year (can't say exactly when).
Hi, is there any update on when this will be available? Thanks!
It'll be added to Spyder 6.1.0, which will be released during the second half of this year.