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Request: command line option to specify interpreter

Open jeremymatt opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

I'm exploring the recommended method of having a single spyder install and then selecting different conda environments from the interpreter list as necessary. However, I find the current workflow to be somewhat clunky (i.e., run spyder, click preferences, click Python Interpreter, select "use the following...", select the interpreter, close preferences, start a new console).

Is it possible to pass the path of a conda environment (i.e., the output of python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)") when calling spyder from the anaconda command prompt? My use-case is that I would like to be able to write a batch script that takes the name of a conda environment as an argument, builds the interpreter path, and then calls spyder with that interpreter path.

I realize that this is both a relatively minor issue and may be niche functionality, but it'd be nice to have added if it's not too much trouble.

PS: I did some searching around and checked spyder -h and didn't find any obvious solutions. Sorry if I missed something

jeremymatt avatar Jul 24 '22 14:07 jeremymatt

Hey @jeremymatt, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, there's no such option but it shouldn't be hard to add. Please take a look at PR's #16518 and #17657 to see how this is done for different plugins.

In your case, you need to read the new command line option you want to add (let's say -i for interpreter) in the MainInterpreter plugin and set the executable option (see PR #17788) on it.

ccordoba12 avatar Jul 24 '22 15:07 ccordoba12

Thanks for the tips, I'll play around with it and see if I can get it working.

jeremymatt avatar Jul 24 '22 18:07 jeremymatt

Hi @jeremymatt , were you able to do this? I switch environments a lot yet still install spyder on each one, changing interpreters on standalone spyder feels clunky indeed.

nobubblegums avatar Mar 11 '23 23:03 nobubblegums

@nobubblegums, I think your use case will be covered once we merge the functionality developed in pull request #20421.

ccordoba12 avatar Mar 12 '23 01:03 ccordoba12

I was about to request the same: a command line option to specify the python interpreter path. I hope that functionality will be implemented soon. That would be awesome!

afkrause avatar Jul 16 '23 10:07 afkrause

In the meantime I made a script that start spyder using the Python interpreter of the currently active pyenv virtual environment, and set working dirrectory to the current working directory to:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# Get binary to activate spyder virtual environment
if [ ! -f "$SPYDERACT" ]; then
	printf "Activate binary for spyder environment not found: \"%s\"\n" "$SPYDERACT"
	exit 1
	printf "Found spyder activate binary: \"%s\"\n" "$SPYDERACT"

# Get foreign virtual environment
ENV=$(pyenv version | awk '{print $1}')
printf "Using pyenv foreign virtual environment \"%s\"\n" "$ENV"

# Spyder doesn't like symbolink links in transient.ini/executable
ENVPATH=$(readlink -fn $HOME/.pyenv/versions/$ENV)
# printf "ENVPATH=%s\n" "$ENVPATH"
if [ ! -d "$ENVPATH" ]; then
	printf "ENVPATH is not a directory"

# Get path of the Python interpreter of the foreign environment
if [ ! -f "$ENVINT" ]; then
	printf "Interpreter \"%s\" does not exist\n" "$ENVINT"
	exit 3
	printf "Found interpreter: \"%s\"\n" "$ENVINT"

# Check if `spyder-kernels` python package is installed in foreign environment
# and install it if it isn't
ENVPYVER=$(ls "$ENVPATH/lib" | tr -d "\n")
# printf "ENVPYVER=%s\n" "$ENVPYVER"
# printf "ENVPKG=%s\n" "$ENVPKG"
if [ ! -d "$ENVPKG" ]; then
	printf "Installing python package \"spyder-kernels\" in virtual environment\n"
	if [ ! -f "$ENVPIP" ]; then
		printf "ERROR: Cannot find pip in environment: \"%s\"\n" "$ENVPIP"
		exit 3
	"$ENVPIP" install --upgrade spyder-kernels >/dev/null 2>&1
	printf "Python package \"spyder-kernels\" is already installed in virtual environment\n"

printf "Starting spyder\n"

# Change spyder.ini
if [ ! -f "$SPYDERINI" ]; then
	printf "ERROR: Cannot find spyder.ini in \"%s\"\n" "$SPYDERINI"
	exit 1
sed -E -i.bak \
	-e '/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(default\s?=\s?).*/\1False/' \
	-e '/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(custom\s?=\s?).*/\1True/' \
	-e '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(console\/use_project_or_home_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1False/' \
	-e '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(console\/use_cwd\s?=\s?).*/\1False/' \
	-e '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(console\/use_fixed_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1True/' \
	-e '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(startup\/use_project_or_home_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1False/' \
	-e '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(startup\/use_fixed_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1True/' \
# printf "\n# spyder.ini -> [main_interpreter]\n"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# sed -n '/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^$/ {/^$/!p}' "$SPYDERINI"
# printf "%s\n" "------"

# Change transient.ini
# printf "PWD=%s\n" "$PWD"
# printf "PWDESC=%s\n" "$PWDESC"
if [ ! -f "$TRANSIENTINI" ]; then
	printf "ERROR: Cannot find transient.ini in \"%s\"\n" "$TRANSIENTINI"
	exit 1
sed -E -i.bak \
	-e "/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(startup\/fixed_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1${PWDESC}/" \
	-e "/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(console\/fixed_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1${PWDESC}/" \
	-e "/^\[run\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(default\/wdir\/fixed_directory\s?=\s?).*/\1${PWDESC}/" \
	-e "/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(custom_interpreters_list\s?=\s?).*/\1\[\]/" \
	-e "/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(custom_interpreter\s?=\s?).*/\1${ENVINT//\//\\/}/" \
	-e "/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^\[/ s/^(executable\s?=\s?).*/\1${ENVINT//\//\\/}/" \
# printf "\n# trainsient.ini -> [workingdir]\n"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# sed -n '/^\[workingdir\]$/,/^$/ {/^$/!p}' "$TRANSIENTINI"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# printf "\n# transient.ini -> [run]\n"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# sed -n '/^\[run\]$/,/^$/ {/^$/!p}' "$TRANSIENTINI"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# printf "\n# transient.init -> [main_interpreter]\n"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# sed -n '/^\[main_interpreter\]$/,/^$/ {/^$/!p}' "$TRANSIENTINI"
# printf "%s\n" "------"
# printf "\n"

printf "Script ended\n"

Using it like this:

  1. Install Spyder in its own virtual environment:
pyenv virtualenv 3.12 spyder-env
. $HOME/.pyenv/versions/spyder-env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade spyder numpy scipy pandas matplotlib sympy cython spyder-line-profiler spyder-notebook spyder-terminal
  1. Activate the environment under which your script is supposed to run (different from the environment in which Spyder is installed)
  2. Call the script

raffaem avatar Dec 27 '23 10:12 raffaem

Anyway looks like Spyder 6 will have a plugin for that: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder-env-manager

raffaem avatar Jan 01 '24 19:01 raffaem

Unfortunately, that plugin is in alpha state yet and we need more funding to take it to the next level.

ccordoba12 avatar Jan 01 '24 20:01 ccordoba12