Sébastien Puyet
Sébastien Puyet
Hey @vnkomv, that's a good news :smiley: I started to work on the french translation here: https://github.com/spuyet/system-design-primer/blob/add-french-translation/README-fr.md Feel free to open PR, let me know if you want to focus...
Hello @donnemartin, yes I'm still interested, but doesn't have much time yet, if someone has more time to work on this you can give it to him :wink:
Hello @pfongkye, your contribution is welcome, I just merged master in: https://github.com/spuyet/system-design-primer/blob/add-french-translation/README-fr.md You can make a PR at anytime :)
Hello @AdilTestelin, sorry for my late response. Every contribution is welcome !
Hello @LaurelineP, we're still looking for active contributors ! It would be a pleasure to review and merge one of your PR 👍
Hello @maxx6262, you just have to create a fork of https://github.com/spuyet/system-design-primer/tree/add-french-translation and create a PR from your branch to this one :wink:
+1 for an Apple Mail version of Markdown Here :dancer:
@adacosta any news ?
Hey there, any news about this ?
I think this is confusing for people using snap to install slack-term. Maybe that we should update snapcraft.yml file to improve clarity or add a note in the Readme Setup...