FastSoup icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FastSoup copied to clipboard

BeautifulSoup interface for lxml


.. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status

.. image:: :target:


BeautifulSoup interface for lxml

Key features

  • FAST search in tree

  • FAST serialize to str

  • BeautifulSoup4 interface to interact with object:

    • Search: find\ , find_all\ , find_next\ , find_next_sibling
    • Text: get_text\ , string
    • Tag: name\ , get\ , clear\ , __getitem__\ , __str__, __repr__, append, new_tag, extract, replace_with


.. code-block:: bash

pip install fast-soup==1.1.0

How to use

.. code-block:: python

from fast_soup import FastSoup

content = ... # read some html content soup = FastSoup(content)

interact like BS4 object

result = soup.find('a', id='my_link')

interact like lxml object

el = result.unwrap()


Q: BS4 already implement lxml parser. Why i should use FastSoup?

A: Yes, BS4 implement parser\ , and it's just building the tree. All next interactions proceed with "Python speed": searching, serialization. FastSoup internally use lxml and guarantee "C speed".

Q: How FastSoup speedup works?

A: FastSoup just build xpath and execute them. For prevent rebuilding LRU cache used.

Q: Why you don't support whole interface? This will be soon?

A: I wrote functions which speed up parsing in my projects. Just create a issue or pull request and i think we find the solution ;)


You can got power of BeautifulSoup when wrap your lxml objects, e.g:

.. code-block:: python

from fast_soup import Tag

content = ... # some bytes ready to parse context = lxml.etree.iterparse( io.BytesIO(content), ... ) for event, elem in context: tag = Tag(elem)

   tag_text = tag.get_text()
   tag_attr = tag['attribute']