
Results 29 comments of springroll12

For what its worth, we did not end up using an initContainer or modifying the helm chart to suit our needs. In the end we wrote a modified configure.sh which...

This is a good point. We are running Nexus3 behind a reverse proxy, which handles the 5000 port bits. When I limit the number of tags returned to 100 or...

This is essentially what is preventing me from using Owncloud OCIS as well. Another use case: If I want to migrate my data from Owncloud to another storage solution, I...

If this is currently possible through EOS driver, is there some guidance somewhere on how to achieve this? I'm sure many folks currently stuck in other storage solutions would like...

@dragotin this is exactly what I was hoping was possible. It does seem like a lot more work, but would support most of the simpler use cases. My understanding of...

@micbar Would the FUSE mechanism support filesystems mounted through NFS externally? Or does it suffer from the same challenges @rhafer mentioned?

Seems like the fuse mechanism might work. I also see a similar feature request here: https://central.owncloud.org/t/is-something-like-external-storage-in-the-long-term-roadmap-for-ocis/42166/7 Any news on if this can be actioned in a future release?

Any chance this has made it onto a roadmap? If not could you provide guidance on how to implement the fuse layer with a community plugin?

This is awesome! It looks like considerable progress has been made already!