> We have been thinking of adding a toggle that switches the default behavior for matching workers from "all workers match unless a filter is defined, then they must match...
Sure. Can we agree this is not ideal though? Its difficult to discover what configuration a particular hash corresponds to and discovering new versions is painful at best. It would...
@briandealwis are you talking about git tags or docker tags? I realize pinning to a particular digest is the only way forward at this point, but that is why I...
@jonjohnsonjr "given that distroless doesn't have releases" .. I think this is the crux of it. Why doesn't distroless have releases? It would be much more transparent.
RE: Pinning to releases being "not good"... I disagree. As much as I admire the "100% rolling" culture at google, this is not tenable for most organizations. In highly regulated...
All valid points. At this point is seems like the path is set and I'm tilting at windmills, but let me try to respond anyway. I guess it is true...
Any progress on this? Requiring tilt to be in the foreground of a terminal is very annoying as a developer. If I want to convince my team to use this...
Yes I was referring to `config.users`. I would love to use an external auth system for Nexus but the OSS version does not support it natively. There is a lot...
@stevehipwell Unfortunately LDAP is not available to us. I think this is not uncommon, especially for small deployments of nexus. Would it be possible to update the chart to pull...
@stevehipwell No problem. As @EugenMayer mentioned we greatly appreciate you maintaining the chart as it stands. We are looking at creating an "extraInitContainer" to solve this for ourselves, and if...