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Problem running with grails 3.3.0
I'm trying to run this with a grails 3.3.0 project and getting this error at startup
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper'; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: grails.web.mapping.UrlMapping.getConstraints()[Lgrails/validation/ConstrainedProperty;
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: grails.web.mapping.UrlMapping.getConstraints()[Lgrails/validation/ConstrainedProperty;
at springfox.documentation.grails.UrlMappings.hasControllerConstraint(UrlMappings.java:123)
grailsVersion=3.3.0 gormVersion=6.1.6.RELEASE
If I downgrade the grails version to 3.2.9 it works. However from 3.3.0 grails the method signature of grails.web.mapping.UrlMapping.getConstraints() is changed, which broke this plugin.
Oh thanks for reporting @leon-barboza-pya. Do you have ideas around how we could make it work for both 3.2.x and 3.3.0?
it seem that from http://docs.grails.org/3.3.0/guide/upgrading.html In previous versions of Grails it was possible to access GrailsDomainClass instances and inspect the GrailsDomainClassProperty properties inside of the doWithSpring method in a plugin, for example.
If you have code that follows that example, an error will be thrown that looks like "The method … cannot be accessed before GORM has initialized". The solution is to move any logic that executes before the context is available to somewhere else that executes after the context is available.
@ibmsoft thanks for the detailed pointers. Will look at fixing it for the next release.
Hi @dilipkrish,
Today, I had tried to use this plugin with grails 3.3.2 and I had this problem.
Have you find a solutions? Or are you developing a solution?
@rafseggir Im in the process of developing a solution. However, I may need help since Im not super familiar with grails 3.3.x.
The issue Im currently running into is that the MappingContext needs to be initialized in the GrailsApplication. Not sure how to do that. any pointers would be super helpful.
@dilipkrish first, thank you for putting this together. I am now having this issue upgrading to 3.3.2 from 3.2.7. Any updates on when there will be a fix? I would help but I wouldn't know where to begin and I honestly don't have any spare time at the moment. I appreciate any help or guidance you can give. At the moment I had to comment out all the API documentation code for swagger. Kinda bummed but I needed to upgrade to a newer version of grails.
@dilipkrish In your fix branch, MappingContext is utilized in a Spring Bean with a @Component annotation. At this point of tie MappingContext is not available as Grails hasn't completed initializing GORM. Can you move the code that calls MappingContext to after Spring completes it's initialization?
@batchu if you have any ideas on how to do that I'd love some help with it. Not very familiar with grails/gorm internals
@dilipkrish do you have any solution or workaround for this? Please let us know if there are any update on solution
I am also interested in a fix for this issue.