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oneOf schema not generated > 2.3.0

Open ebcFlagman opened this issue 10 months ago • 2 comments

We have a Exception handler which can handle oneOf subclasses of a exception. But since springdoc version > 2.3.0 we have the problem, that this schemas no longer be generated.

        responseCode = "400",
        description = "Bad Request",
        content = @Content(
            mediaType = BaseController.API_V3_JSON,
            schema = @Schema(oneOf = {
        responseCode = "404",
        description = "Not found",
        content = @Content(
            mediaType = BaseController.API_V3_JSON,
            schema = @Schema(oneOf = {
        responseCode = "500",
        description = "Internal Server Error",
        content = @Content(
            mediaType = BaseController.API_V3_JSON,
            schema = @Schema(oneOf = {
        responseCode = "504",
        description = "Gateway Timeout, the connection to the ESB timed out",
        content = @Content(
            mediaType = BaseController.API_V3_JSON,
            schema = @Schema(implementation = ExceptionResponse.class)))
    public ResponseEntity<ExceptionResponse> processApiException(ApiException exception) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(exception.getExceptionResponse(environment), exception.getStatus());

In the swagger-ui we see then this error


I didn't found anything related in the release notes of 2.4.0, are we missing something?

ebcFlagman avatar Apr 18 '24 06:04 ebcFlagman

Ran into the same problem, created a reproduction repository for this issue. Issue seems to happen due removeBrokenReferenceDefinitions. When setting springdoc.remove-broken-reference-definitions to false the issue doesn't seem to happen.

After a little debugging I found out the response schema class 2.3.0 is ComposedSchema, while it is just a Schema for 2.4.0+.

Edit: It looks like @mschout already created a fix for this: #2577. Tested it with my repository and seems to solves the issue.

felhag avatar Apr 19 '24 07:04 felhag

We ran into a similar (maybe the same?) issue when trying to use polymorphic types, like:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = NAME, include = PROPERTY, property = DISCRIMINATOR_PROPERTY)
    Type(value = Activate::class, name = ACTIVATE)
    subTypes = [Activate::class],
    oneOf = [Activate::class],
    discriminatorProperty = DISCRIMINATOR_PROPERTY,
    discriminatorMapping = [
        DiscriminatorMapping(value = ACTIVATE, schema = Activate::class)
sealed interface PolymorphicEvent {
    @Schema(requiredProperties = [DISCRIMINATOR_PROPERTY])
    @SchemaProperty(name = DISCRIMINATOR_PROPERTY, schema = Schema(allowableValues = [ACTIVATE]))
    data object Activate : PolymorphicEvent

    companion object {
        const val DISCRIMINATOR_PROPERTY = "type"
        const val ACTIVATE = "ACTIVATE"

Defining this in 2.3.0 would work, but totally broke our Schema view in SwaggerUI after 2.5.0, where the oneOf definition just references itself recursively forever. (This might even be worth a second issue)


LouisXhaferi avatar Apr 26 '24 11:04 LouisXhaferi

should be fixed with https://github.com/springdoc/springdoc-openapi/pull/2577

bnasslahsen avatar Jun 15 '24 19:06 bnasslahsen

It wasn't the same problem I encountered, apparently, as I'm still seeing it in version 2.6.0.


LouisXhaferi avatar Jul 08 '24 12:07 LouisXhaferi