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Eclipse crashes after upgrade of libwebkit2gtk to 2.44.x
Version 2.44.0 of the lib gets shipped with the upgrade to Gnome 46 (more or less, maybe not a direct dependency). This already happened on Arch, so it will be soon widespread on other distros. Eclipse (and as a consequence STS) hangs then dump often, specifically when a popup is triggered by hovering on some elements and alike. This is the typical hs_err_pidXXX.log confirming the issue after crash
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x000070cae0027180): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=2169, stack(0x000070cae7614000,0x000070cae7714000)]
Stack: [0x000070cae7614000,0x000070cae7714000], sp=0x000070cae7710ef0, free space=1011k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C []
The issue seems to be related to hardware acceleration in Wayland, so a suggested workaround is to use X server emulation, launching STS with
I can confirm it works, and that issue is still present in libwebkit2gtk 2.44.1 released a couple days ago. The problem is tracked down upstream by Eclipse devs, but unfortunately it looks like a really old ghost-bug not even Gnome devs have been able to solve in years, so they decided to follow the same path of some official Gnome packages disabling hardware acceleration. This is the fix pushed upstream
I'd suggest to realease a STS version based on a build including the fix. Maybe latest milestone one?
Thanks @4javier for the details summarized here, much appreciated. The fix will be included in the 4.23.0
release, which will be based on the Eclipse 2024-06 release (the Eclipse release that will include this fix in SWT).
In the meantime, we also already run snapshot builds for the Eclipse 2024-06 milestone builds, so you can get an early snapshot build of Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse 4.22.1
on Eclipse 2024-06 milestones from The latest snapshot build for Eclipse 2024-06 should include the fix already. Would you be interested to give that a try?
Unfortunately, nightly build kills the whole gnome-shell in the same situation
Process 6865 (gnome-shell) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 6865:
#0 0x000079c5ee169d51 g_type_check_instance_is_fundamentally_a ( + 0x38d51)
#1 0x000079c5ee14eb07 g_object_ref ( + 0x1db07)
#2 0x000079c5ed576ec7 n/a ( + 0x176ec7)
#3 0x000079c5ed56b84f n/a ( + 0x16b84f)
#4 0x000079c5ed695596 n/a ( + 0x7596)
#5 0x000079c5ed69200e n/a ( + 0x400e)
#6 0x000079c5ed694bd3 ffi_call ( + 0x6bd3)
#7 0x000079c5ec7f9ada n/a ( + 0x8ada)
#8 0x000079c5ec7fe180 n/a ( + 0xd180)
#9 0x000079c5ec7fcae2 wl_event_loop_dispatch ( + 0xbae2)
#10 0x000079c5ed54f00d n/a ( + 0x14f00d)
#11 0x000079c5edb40199 n/a ( + 0x5a199)
#12 0x000079c5edb9f3bf n/a ( + 0xb93bf)
#13 0x000079c5edb40dc7 g_main_loop_run ( + 0x5adc7)
#14 0x000079c5ed4ca00b meta_context_run_main_loop ( + 0xca00b)
#15 0x000079c5ed695596 n/a ( + 0x7596)
#16 0x000079c5ed69200e n/a ( + 0x400e)
#17 0x000079c5ed694bd3 ffi_call ( + 0x6bd3)
#18 0x000079c5ed9c9fe1 n/a ( + 0x4bfe1)
#19 0x000079c5ed9ca688 n/a ( + 0x4c688)
#20 0x000079c5ebf652da n/a ( + 0x15652da)
#21 0x000079c5ebbd8b01 n/a ( + 0x11d8b01)
#22 0x000079c5ebbd3ec5 n/a ( + 0x11d3ec5)
#23 0x000079c5ec0ba1b1 _ZN2JS4CallEP9JSContextNS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEES4_RKNS_16HandleValueArrayENS_13MutableHandleIS3_EE ( + 0x16ba1b1)
#24 0x000079c5eda00f02 n/a ( + 0x82f02)
#25 0x000079c5eda0917f gjs_context_eval_module ( + 0x8b17f)
#26 0x000079c5eda09481 gjs_context_eval_module_file ( + 0x8b481)
#27 0x000064569d86e57f n/a (gnome-shell + 0x257f)
#28 0x000079c5ed243cd0 n/a ( + 0x25cd0)
#29 0x000079c5ed243d8a __libc_start_main ( + 0x25d8a)
#30 0x000064569d86e9e5 n/a (gnome-shell + 0x29e5)
Does Eclipse 2024-06 M1 itself also crashes?
Yes, same issue. I'll report it that in upstream tracker.
Facing same issue with
Spring Tool Suite 4
Version: 4.21.0.RELEASE Build Id: 202312011804 Revision: 37b067849b907f022f6dabc8a04af38bbf291249
@tntra-dhananjay The mentioned workaround works for you as well?
Facing same issue. The workaround suggested by @4javier launching with GDK_BACKEND=x11 STS is working
@tntra-dhananjay The mentioned workaround works for you as well?
@martinlippert - following solution worked for me
Added WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 in Exec Exec=env WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 ./sts-4.22.0/SpringToolSuite4 --limit-modules %f
Added WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 in Exec Exec=env WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 ./sts-4.22.0/SpringToolSuite4 --limit-modules %f
Thank you!
As expected, issue still present with STS 4.22.1 released two days ago. Not a surprise considering it's based on Eclipse 4.31 branch. Note: now it looks like crashing directly on hover on a symbol, without even showing any popup, but at least doesn't pull down the whole Gnome. Still working if launched with X emulation backend.
@4javier Can you give the latest early snapshot builds on Eclipse 2024-06 from a try?
Just tried:
that one opens correctly the popup hovering on a symbol, but after that, when hovering on a brach of the path of the symbol itself in the popup (action that should show into same modal javadoc for the highlighted class) it kills the whole DE (always Gnome with Wayland backend).
there's a typo in the download page, the last nightly is 2024-06, not 2023
I am facing the same issue, my STS keeps on crashing whenever I start typing something.
My STS details :
Spring Tool Suite 4
Version: 4.22.1.RELEASE
Build Id: 202405011620
Revision: 71bcc7a580385ea1ae7aa7af1ae8bef30aaea50a
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2024 Broadcom
All rights reserved. Visit
This product includes software developed by the
Eclipse Foundation
This product includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation
Lombok v1.18.24 "Envious Ferret" is installed.
My system information
Error Log file : hs_err_pid18511.log hs_err_pid15600.log hs_err_pid14282.log hs_err_pid3304.log hs_err_pid9943.log
P.S.: there's a typo in the download page, the last nightly is 2024-06, not 2023
Thanks for pointing that out, fixed with (might take a little while until it promotes to the page)
@akhil-finvasia Since this is an upstream issue in Eclipse/SWT, please join the discussion in the referenced issue and - if possible - provide your details over there. As soon as the fix becomes available, we can include that in the snapshot builds of the Spring Tools distribution builds. Until then, I hope that the mentioned workarounds work for you as well.
fixed it for me (sts 4.22.1.RELEASE, java 21, Ubuntu 23.10).
I'm using wayland and
fixed it for me (sts 4.22.1.RELEASE, java 21, Ubuntu 23.10).
This works for me, I'm using Fedora 39 Gnome, sts 4.22.1.RELEASE, java 17.
I'm using wayland and
fixed it for me (sts 4.22.1.RELEASE, java 21, Ubuntu 23.10).This works for me, I'm using Fedora 39 Gnome, sts 4.22.1.RELEASE, java 17.
Nevermind, crash when I open the marketplace windows
That was the first thing I tried. I can successfully open the market place. Sorry to hear, Mike :(.
Previously I also set GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
, but I'm not sure this is required anymore for Eclipse ( It's a different problem, but I still have this variable set.
Regards Andreas
Just try the X11 backend
Just try the X11 backend
Its working now, thanks!
Just an update:
after updating wayland
to 4.23.0, Eclipse 4.32M1 and STS snapshot 4.23 based on it look like working again with no quirks needed.
@4javier Thanks for the update on this. With that, I will go ahead and close this issue as fixed. Would be great if people observing this issue could give the latest nightly builds on Eclipse 4.32 a try: That will turn into the next Spring Tools 4.23.0 release next week.
Just remember that what made the difference for me, was the upgrade of wayland to 4.23.0. It landed in official repo for Arch Linux, can't say for other distros.