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Problem with libs.version.toml
All I'm trying to do is run the sample and see it working. When I open up servlet/spring-boot/java/oauth2/login and try to run it I get an error stating:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException: Invalid TOML catalog definition:
- Problem: In version catalog libs, parsing failed with 1 error.
Reason: In file '...\IdeaProjects\spring-security-samples\servlet\spring-boot\java\oauth2\login\gradle\libs.versions.toml' at line 1, column 1: Unexpected '.', expected a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ', ", a table key, a newline, or end-of-input.
When I open up the libs.versions.toml I can clearly see the problem: ../../../../../../gradle/libs.versions.toml
This isn't formatted correctly but I have no idea what this libs.versions.toml file actually does. Please help new users by formatting this correctly.