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Add @FormAttribute attributes to customize x-www-form-urlencoded [SPR-13433]

Open spring-projects-issues opened this issue 8 years ago • 30 comments

Phil Webb opened SPR-13433 and commented

As requested on the Spring Boot issue tracker: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/3890

When processing an HttpRequest with x-www-form-urlencoded content, we can use a controller with POJO matching the payload structure.

Example payload: value_first=value1&value_second=value2

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
 public String handlePost(@ModelAttribute Body body) {


public class Body {
 private String value_first;
 private String value_second;

The problem is that the variable names must match the field names in the HttpRequest payload in order to be processed by the controller. There is not way of naming them differently, for example, if I do not want to use underscores in Java variable and method names.

What I would appreciate would be using something like this:

private String value1;

Issue Links:

  • #13880 Provide a way to customize the names of JavaBean properties when they're read and written for data binding purposes
  • #12403 Provide support for configuring the bindable properties of a form-backing object using field-level annotations
  • #14816 Customizable parameter name when binding an object ("supersedes")

20 votes, 16 watchers

spring-projects-issues avatar Sep 04 '15 19:09 spring-projects-issues

Rossen Stoyanchev commented

Adding link to an (old) related ticket #13880.

Wouldn't that have to be @FormAttribute("value_first")? I'm wondering what's the idea. For such a cross-cutting requirement such as using underscores vs camelback notation, putting @FormAttribute on every field seems repetitive.

spring-projects-issues avatar Sep 08 '15 18:09 spring-projects-issues

Martin Myslík commented

I should have clarified this in my simplified example. It should , of course, be:

@FormAttribute("value_first") private String value1;

As for the requirement, I am not saying that this is a core functionality of Spring that I am desperately missing but imagine this scenario:

You are processing a form-encoded payload from a third party service and you want to use POJO to map the values. You use camelCase in your whole project and now you are forced to use underscopes if the third party service does so (in the POJO) or write your own converter just for this purpose.

When I encountered this problem, I immediately looked for some Spring functionality to tackle this and was surprised that there is none. Feel free to close this issue if you feel that I am being unreasonable but I expected more people having this issue as well.

spring-projects-issues avatar Sep 10 '15 10:09 spring-projects-issues

Rossen Stoyanchev commented

I think the scenario is quite clear. There is nothing unreasonable about your request. I'm only wondering whether annotations would solve this effectively. An annotation here and there to customize a field name is okay but having to put one on every field to adapt to different naming strategy -- that feels more like something that should be more centralized, otherwise you'd have to have one on every field.

If the use case is purely input based, i.e. data binding from a request such as a REST service, then a Filter could wraps the request and overrides the getRequestParam() and related method to check for both "firstValue" and also "first_value".

spring-projects-issues avatar Sep 11 '15 01:09 spring-projects-issues

Martin Myslík commented

I had several use cases where I had to extract just several fields from a huge form-encoded request which would mean putting this annotation on a couple of properties but you are right that you still have to annotate every property of such POJO. Perhaps some higher level annotation for the whole classto automatically convert underscopes in the field names to camel case or a filter as you are suggesting would be more elegant solution.

spring-projects-issues avatar Sep 11 '15 06:09 spring-projects-issues

Micah Silverman commented

Bringing this up again. ;) There are still a number of important providers that insist on x-www-form-urlencoded when POSTing. Regarding the concern around lots of annotations on a POJO, @JsonProperty has worked very well for application/json type POSTs. It makes everything automatic, even if the result is every field having an annotation on it.

I recently encountered this directly in working with Slack's slash command features. https://api.slack.com/slash-commands. In short, you register an endpoint with Slack, and when you issue a "slash" command, slack POSTs to your endpoint with x-www-form-urlencoded Content-type.

So, one approach to handle that would look like this:

  value = "/slack",
  method = RequestMethod.POST,
public MyResponse onReceiveSlashCommand(
  @RequestParam("token") String token,
  @RequestParam("team_id") String teamId,
  @RequestParam("team_domain") String teamDomain,
  @RequestParam("channel_id") String channelId,
  @RequestParam("channel_name") String channelName,
  @RequestParam("user_id") String userId,
  @RequestParam("user_name") String userName,
  @RequestParam("command") String command,
  @RequestParam("text") String text,
  @RequestParam("response_url") String responseUrl
) {

This is pretty gnarly, especially in the age of Spring boot's built in Jackson mapper handling.

So, I set out to do this:

public class SlackSlashCommand {

    private String token;
    private String command;
    private String text;

    private String teamId;

    private String teamDomain;

    private String channelId;

    private String channelName;

    private String userId;

    private String userName;

    private String responseUrl;


If the POST were sent as application/json, then the controller would look like this and we'd be done:

    @RequestMapping(value = "/slack", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public @ResponseBody SlackSlashCommand slack(@RequestBody SlackSlashCommand slackSlashCommand) {
        log.info("slackSlashCommand: {}", slackSlashCommand);

        return slackSlashCommand;

But, slack will only POST with x-www-form-urlencoded. So, I had to make the controller method like this:

        value = "/slack", method = RequestMethod.POST,
    public @ResponseBody SlackSlashCommand slack(SlackSlashCommand slackSlashCommand) {
        log.info("slackSlashCommand: {}", slackSlashCommand);

        return slackSlashCommand;

Only problem is that the underscore properties coming in from Slack get ignored when materializing the SlackSlashCommand. If there were an analog to @JsonProperty for form POSTs, then this would be handled automatically.

What I did for now to get around this, and so as to not pollute my SlackSlashCommand class, is a little ugly, but it works:

// workaround for customize x-www-form-urlencoded
public abstract class AbstractFormSlackSlashCommand {

    public void setTeam_id(String teamId) {

    public void setTeam_domain(String teamDomain) {

    public void setChannel_id(String channelId) {

    public void setChannel_name(String channelName) {

    public void setUser_id(String userId) {

    public void setUser_name(String userName) {

    public void setResponse_url(String responseUrl) {

    abstract void setTeamId(String teamId);
    abstract void setTeamDomain(String teamDomain);
    abstract void setChannelId(String channelId);
    abstract void setChannelName(String channelName);
    abstract void setUserId(String userId);
    abstract void setUserName(String userName);
    abstract void setResponseUrl(String responseUrl);

public class SlackSlashCommand extends AbstractFormSlackSlashCommand {

That's a lot of boilerplate to accomplish what Jackson can do automatically with the @JsonProperty annotation! In fact, I left those annotations in so that I can receive the SlackSlashCommand object in the controller and return it as a @ResponseBody:

http -v -f POST localhost:8080/api/v1/slack2 token=token team_id=team_id team_domain=team_domain channel_id=channel_id channel_name=channel_name user_id=user_id user_name=user_name command=command text=text response_url=response_url
POST /api/v1/slack2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


HTTP/1.1 200
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 05:28:27 GMT
    "channel_id": "channel_id",
    "channel_name": "channel_name",
    "command": "command",
    "response_url": "response_url",
    "team_domain": "team_domain",
    "team_id": "team_id",
    "text": "text",
    "token": "token",
    "user_id": "user_id",
    "user_name": "user_name"

spring-projects-issues avatar May 22 '17 17:05 spring-projects-issues

Micah Silverman commented

Two approaches to solve the problem. Both require more boilerplate than is necessary for accomplishing the same thing with JSON:

https://gist.github.com/dogeared/7e60a2caebd00c959f0d7e24ef79b54e https://gist.github.com/dogeared/0db806ad56258711de0ffdfa5317ee42

This first approach uses an abstract super-class that breaks Java naming conventions. Pros: subclass is kept "clean". It's clear what's going on in the super class and why. No additional converters or configuration needed. Cons: Breaks Java naming conventions.

The second approach is the more "proper" approach. It uses an HttpMessageConverter. Pros: it's more idiomatic Spring and doesn't break any naming conventions. It enables using @RequestBody annotation, as a Spring developer would expect. Cons: more "manual labor" involved in building the POJO by hand.

spring-projects-issues avatar May 22 '17 22:05 spring-projects-issues

Micah Silverman commented

I created a gist for a third approach: https://gist.github.com/dogeared/3ebb46b9d948c023e702ccb9ecfdf35e

spring-projects-issues avatar May 25 '17 03:05 spring-projects-issues

Micah Silverman commented

I also created a blog post on the subject ;) https://afitnerd.com/2017/05/24/what-if-spring-boot-handled-forms-like-json/

spring-projects-issues avatar May 25 '17 17:05 spring-projects-issues

wu wen commented


spring-projects-issues avatar Dec 07 '17 03:12 spring-projects-issues

haiepng liang commented


spring-projects-issues avatar Jan 06 '18 03:01 spring-projects-issues

Iker Hernaez commented


spring-projects-issues avatar Feb 28 '18 10:02 spring-projects-issues

Zhang Jie commented

Hi, all, I have found that, if we want to use custom @FormAttribute or something else to customize x-www-form-urlencoded, we can write a custom FormAttributeBeanInfoFactory which is similar to ExtendedBeanInfoFactory, and which can create FormAttributeBeanInfo similar to ExtendedBeanInfo and using @FormAttribute to get property name(by propertyNameFor()). When we configure FormAttributeBeanInfoFactory into /META-INF/spring.factories with key org.springframework.beans.BeanInfoFactory, it will be used by WebDataBinder and BeanWrapperImpl, and will work as expected with @ModelAttribute. I didn't test all test case, but i think it will be an alternative way to custom parameter name when binding an object.

spring-projects-issues avatar May 29 '18 06:05 spring-projects-issues

Hi I'm newbie ^^; I hava a question. Is that development over?

kang0921ok avatar Sep 02 '19 13:09 kang0921ok

Is that development over?

This issue is still "Open".

sbrannen avatar Sep 02 '19 15:09 sbrannen

This would be a nice improvement & boost to the framework.

nuno-aj-aniceto avatar Oct 02 '19 09:10 nuno-aj-aniceto

No one mentioned hyphens? I feel it's not all that uncommon for a query param to be "team-id". Without this feature, it seems impossible to do this now?

HongyiFu avatar Dec 12 '19 03:12 HongyiFu

I have made a simple example in my project for form data according to Zhang Jie 's suggestion. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38171022/how-to-map-multiple-parameter-names-to-pojo-when-binding-spring-mvc-command-obje/57217544#57217544

xfan-shop avatar Feb 26 '20 00:02 xfan-shop

I was encountering similar issues with query params and form data having different formats to my @ModelAttribute property names. I have attempted to solve my problem in a generic Spring-like way. Here is my attempt: https://github.com/mattbertolini/spring-annotated-web-data-binder. Posting here in case someone finds it useful.

mattbertolini avatar Apr 29 '20 21:04 mattbertolini

Thanks @mattbertolini. Two things I'm wondering about.

One is nested binding. Taking the Slack commands example from above with keys like "channel_name", it seems unlikely that keys like "channel.channel_name" that match to a nested object structure would come into play. In one of the approaches from @dogeared (i.e. converting the form data to a Map, and then using Jackson to map to a higher level Object via JSON) I don't expect that nested bindings would work. I do see that your solution does support nested bindings but is that something you expect as a valid case or is this primarily for binding to a flat object?

Two is the other side of parsing, i.e. formatting and displaying bound values and errors. Would you expect that a BindingResult would respect and use the original aliases from which values were bound. The BindingResult can be used to report errors (e.g. with BindingResultException) or it could be used on an HTML form to display the form for the user to correct errors. Or maybe the primary use case for this feature isn't form POSTs within the same HTML/browser application, but rather support for accepting external submissions of form data (i.e. in a @RestController) which are outside an application's control?

rstoyanchev avatar Apr 30 '20 09:04 rstoyanchev

Hi @rstoyanchev. Thanks for the questions.

Re: nested binding: You are correct that in the slack commands example nested binding would be unnecessary. My vision for nested bindings was mainly for grouping together similarly linked parameters. More of a logical thing for the engineer than for modeling an external API. I mostly expect the library to be used for flat objects and nested binding to be a niche case. Since I was modeling my library after JAX-RS *Param annotations, I added nested binding in as well. I'm definitely looking for additional use cases for nested binding to highlight in my documentation so if anyone has some I'd love to hear about them.

Re: formatting and errors. You are correct that the BindingResult would lose the original aliases and only be aware of the bean property names. That can be confusing when reporting errors from and HTML form. I have worked around this limitation by compensating with more detailed error messages to help the user or engineer. It's not the best solution but it was an acceptable trade-off given the benefits I was getting in return.

I mostly use my approach for API development (@RestController) rather than form POSTs inside of browser applications. One of my design goals was to not modify the default behavior of Spring MVC so that the existing @ModelAttribute would still work as expected. That way I could mix and match depending on the use case I was encountering. I still use @ModelAttribute for a good portion of my web forms as I have control over the HTML as well.

I hope this answers your questions. Thanks for taking a look at my library. Much appreciated.

mattbertolini avatar Apr 30 '20 21:04 mattbertolini


fhansen87 avatar Jul 24 '20 13:07 fhansen87

I did this:


@PostMapping(value = {"/status"}, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED)
public ResponseEntity<String> statusWarning(Body request) {
         return ResponseEntity.ok("OK");


public class Body {
    private String value1;
    private String value2;

    public Body (String value_first, String value_second) {
        value1 = value_first;
        value2 = value_second;

igorcavalcanti avatar Sep 28 '20 14:09 igorcavalcanti

I found this article: https://www.metakoder.com/blog/parse-snake-case-json-in-spring-boot/ I hope this help you as much as it did it to me!

puertajennifer avatar Oct 30 '20 22:10 puertajennifer

I my case, the Json I was receving it's in UpperCamelCaseStrategy, so I added this sentence just above the class definition of the POJO I´m receiving with @RequestBody

@JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.UpperCamelCaseStrategy.class) public class MyClass{ }

puertajennifer avatar Oct 30 '20 22:10 puertajennifer

@puertajennifer @JsonNaming has nothing with POST form + x-www-form-urlencoded. Jackson is not used when you submit a form.

gavenkoa avatar Feb 06 '22 13:02 gavenkoa

Related questions with workarounds:

  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34945172/binding-snake-case-request-parameters-to-a-spring-form
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8986593/how-to-customize-parameter-names-when-binding-spring-mvc-command-objects

I don't like OncePerRequestFilter which is global, not per mapping. Or custom ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder to accept new kind of annotation on form parameters...

gavenkoa avatar Feb 06 '22 15:02 gavenkoa

I did this:


@RequestMapping(value = "/slack", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody SlackSlashCommand slack(@RequestBody MultiValueMap<String, Object> reqMap) {
      SlackSlashCommand slackSlashCommand = objectMapper.convertValue(reqMap, SlackSlashCommand.class);
      return slackSlashCommand;

Just use @JsonProperty with underscore.

public class SlackSlashCommand {

    private Long teamId; // Type long 

    private String teamDomain; // Type String

    private LocalDateTime insertTimestamp; // Type LocalDateTime

Nasil avatar Jul 11 '22 09:07 Nasil


CharlelieBouvier avatar Jul 12 '22 08:07 CharlelieBouvier

@Nasil I'm not sure you have to create and configure ObjectMapper each time in the controller. This class was designed to be thread safe, from JavaDoc:

Mapper instances are fully thread-safe

You have to declare it as a bean ))

I wonder if the "hack" will work on complex objects instead of String, when you attempt to resolve MultiValueMap<String, String> to a class with LocalDateTime or BigDecimal setters.

gavenkoa avatar Jul 13 '22 17:07 gavenkoa


Ynnck123 avatar Jul 29 '22 09:07 Ynnck123