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keyspaceEvents cannot be configured [DATAREDIS-1075]
ismael COULIBALY opened DATAREDIS-1075 and commented
Hey guys,
Me and my team are facing a probleme due to the usage of Spring Data Redis 2.2.2 in a Spring Boot App.
We are working on a App based on a microservice architecture. Three of our microservices put data in the same instance of Redis but inside different logical databases.
Some of data we put into Redis are tagged with the annotation @TimeToLive
We also enabled the keyspaceEvents on start up [@EnableRedisRepositories(enableKeyspaceEvents = RedisKeyValueAdapter.EnableKeyspaceEvents.ON_STARTUP)].
The probleme we face is that keyspaceEvents are seen (received) by all logical databases. That make our pool of connection explode.
It seems like the management of keyspaceEvents is done right here : https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-redis/blob/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/redis/listener/KeyExpirationEventMessageListener.java In the code, we can see this : "keyevent@*:expired". The wildcard means that the keyspaceEvents are seen by every logical database.
So, all of our microservices pollute each other because each of them see the keyspaceEvents of the other.
Can you make keyspaceEvents management configurable (TTL in particular) so that a logical database only receive events that happen in his scope ?
Referenced from: pull request https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-redis/pull/503
1 votes, 2 watchers
We have hit upon the same limitation as described here. I see that a PR (#503) has been submitted with additional configuration knobs, but no further work after a suggested improvement from one of the maintainers. Has any further work been done on a solution?
Hello team, this is a critical requirement i think.