spring-data-neo4j copied to clipboard
findAllById with projection "The query used a deprecated function: `id`."
Using Spring data neo4j 7.2.1 having the configuration : withDialect(Dialect.NEO4J_5)
the built in method from repository
ArisClass findAllById(Iterable<String> iterable);
return the correct answer,
<T> Collection<T> findAllById(Iterable<String> iterable, Class<T> type);
return always an empty collection with the log : The query used a deprecated function: id
whatever I put for the type , it happend with a projection as with the domain class.
That's odd. There should have been a fix in place to avoid the usage of the id
function in every case now.
Could you provide an example and/or the generated Cypher query and the warning message? The logger for configuration is: org.springframework.data.neo4j.cypher
and needs to be set to debug
from the log I got :
2023-12-20T11:51:29.633+01:00 WARN 11872 --- [nio-8061-exec-1] org.springframework.data.neo4j.cypher : Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning: This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
MATCH (myClass:`my_class`) WHERE id(myClass) = $iterable WITH collect(elementId(myClass)) AS __sn__ RETURN __sn__
my repo is :
public interface myClassRepository extends Neo4jRepository<myClass, String> {
<T> Collection<T> findAllById(Iterable<String> iterable, Class<T> type);
with this bean created :
Configuration cypherDslConfiguration() {
return Configuration.newConfig()
many thanks in advance.
I assume that you have something in MyClass
that looks like this:
@Id @GeneratedValue Long id
. This would needed to get changed into a String
The elementId is a String with colons like 4:7900ccce-91de-4f45-9742-60769f466719:2
and cannot be converted into a Long
My domain class is :
@Node("my_class") @Data @NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain = true) @EqualsAndHashCode public class MyClass implements IdentifiableClass {
private String id;
private List<String> labels;
And my projection DTO is :
@Data @NoArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode public class MyClassDTOProjection {
private String id;
private List<String> labels;
I am fairly new to Neo4J with Springboot and have the exact same issue, for me it happens when using findAll()
This is the error I get:
2024-01-11T21:24:07.046+01:00 WARN 25864 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.s.data.neo4j.cypher.deprecation : Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning: This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
MATCH (quiz:`Quiz`) RETURN quiz{.id, .name, __nodeLabels__: labels(quiz), __elementId__: id(quiz)}
The query used a deprecated function: `id`.
This is everything related to the Quiz Node
🗃 My Classes and Maven
public class Quiz {
@GeneratedValue(generatorClass = UUIDStringGenerator.class)
private String id;
private String name;
public interface Neo4jQuizRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Quiz, String> {
public class QuizController {
private final QuizService quizService;
public QuizController(final QuizService quizService) {
this.quizService = quizService;
public List<Quiz> getAllQuizzes() {
return quizService.getAllQuizzes();
EDIT: FIXED: Realized I forgot @Bean on the