Spring Projects Issues
Spring Projects Issues
**[Chris Beams](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=cbeams)** commented Niklas, 2h 30m is a very long time indeed, but again, I would encourage a more pragmatic approach. For the majority of Spring applications, container startup time...
**[Niklas Schlimm](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=niklas)** commented Hi Chris, understand your view point. Thanks for the comprehensive reply. Cheers, Niklas
**[Adib Saikali](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=asaikali)** commented I think parallel startup of Spring is very important, in my application spring is taking up 50% of my startup time, reducing that would be very helpful...
**[Ragnar Rova](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=rrva)** commented Please see https://github.com/gredler/spriths for an experimental example implementation. Seems like the spriths implementation goes far into making it work. The author of spriths mentions #10033 that needs...
**[Jonatan Jönsson](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=jontejj)** commented I think a ConfigurableListableBeanFactory#setConcurrentInstantiationOfSingletons(boolean) would be great. Default to non-concurrent but make it super easy to get a parallel version.
**[Scott Murphy](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=scottland)** commented For a single instance web application, the speed of Spring initialization is fine. However, when you have an application that uses 20+ instances, the slowness of Spring...
**[Scott Murphy](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=scottland)** commented Is this worth revisiting now that it is 2 years later?
**[Scott Murphy](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=scottland)** commented "Users are free to reopen this issue" Maybe keep this issue open so it can be voted upon?
**[Adib Saikali](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=asaikali)** commented I think this problem has two distinct parts parallel discovery of beans and parallel initialization of beans. Both of which can be implemented separately to improve performance...
**[Julien Dubois](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=jdubois)** commented Start-up performance is a very important issue to me, and I think a lot of beans could be initialized in parallel. So yes this issue should stay...