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Resources for Learning Spring
Resource for Learning Spring
On a recent episode of the Spring Office Hours Podcast we talked about the best resources for learning Spring. We wanted this repository to live as a resource for people to find the best resources for learning Spring. We are looking for the best books, courses, videos, and anything else that you have found helpful in learning Spring. If you have suggestions please open a pull request.
Spring Office Hours: S3E8 - Resources for learning Spring
- Spring Framework Reference
- Spring Framework API
- Spring Boot Reference
- Spring Boot API
- Spring Boot Guides
- Spring Boot Up and Running - Mark Heckler
- Learning Spring Boot 3.0 - Greg Turnquist
- Spring in Action, 6th Edition - Craig Walls
- Reactive Spring - Josh Long
- Cloud Native Spring in Action - Thomas Vitale
- Spring Security in Action - Laurentiu Spilca
- Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework - Rod Johnson
- Spring Start Here - Laurentiu Spilca
- Pro Spring Boot
- Spring Microservices in Action, Second Edition - John Carnell
- Troubleshooting Java - Laurentiu Spilca
- Java Persistence with Spring Data and Hibernate
- Pro Spring MVC with WebFlux: Web Development in Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2
- Bootiful Podcast - Josh Long
- Spring Office Hours
- Pro Coder Show
- Inside Java Podcast
- The InfoQ Podcast
- Spring Developer
- Josh Long
- Dan Vega
- DaShaun Carter
- Pro Coder
- Spring Tips
- Amigoscode
- Java Brains
- Daily Code Buffer
- Ted M. Young, aka JitterTed
- Marco Codes
- Laur Spilca
- Telusko
- SivaLabs
- Spring I/O
- Devtiro
- in28minutes
- Simon Martinelli
- EmbarkX
- Java Guides
- Java Techie
- Programming Techie
- Maciej Walkowiak
- Baeldung
- Digital Ocean
- Cora Iberkleid
- Reflectoring
- Phillip Riecks
- Piotr's TechBlog
- SivaLabs
- Marco Behler
- Dan Vega
- DaShaun Carter
- Spring How
- Spring Framework Guru
- Tanzu VMware
- JavaTpoint
- GeeksforGeeks
- CalliCoder
- TutorialsPoint
- Java Guides
- Maciej Walkowiak
- Vlad Mihalcea