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ConfigurationPropertiesRebinder does not rebind removed properties for ConfigurationProperty beans
Spring boot version: 2.6.10 Spring Cloud version: 2021.0.2
Describe the bug Consider a ConfigurationProperty bean which has a default value defined at the code:
static class MyConfigProps {
private Integer myProp = 0;
public Integer getMyProp() {
return this.myProp;
public void setMyProp(final Integer myProp) {
this.myProp = myProp;
The initial value of the bean MyConfigProps#myProp = 0
, as it is defined at the code.
When the property changes at the environment org.jordi.my-prop=1
and the rebind is executed, the value of the bean MyConfigProps#myProp changes to 1. Which is great.
But when the same property is removed from the environment and the rebind is executed again, the value of the bean MyConfigProps#myProp remains to 1 instead of changing the value to the initial value.
See the behavior described at the following test:
@SpringBootTest(classes = ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderTestConfig.class)
class ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderTest {
private ConfigurableEnvironment env;
private ConfigurationPropertiesRebinder rebinder;
private MyConfigProps myConfigProps;
void test() {
// Value from code
this.addPropertyToEnvironment("org.jordi.my-prop", 1);
// FAILS!!!
// After removing the property from tne environment, myConfigProps.getMyProp() should take the initial value from the code but it does not
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
static class ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderTestConfig {
static class MyConfigProps {
private Integer myProp = 0;
public Integer getMyProp() {
return this.myProp;
public void setMyProp(final Integer myProp) {
this.myProp = myProp;
private void addPropertyToEnvironment(final String name, final Object value) {
final var myPropertySource = this.env.getPropertySources().get("MyEnvironment");
if (myPropertySource == null) {
final var propertiesMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propertiesMap.put(name, value);
this.env.getPropertySources().addFirst(new MapPropertySource("MyEnvironment", propertiesMap));
} else {
((MapPropertySource) myPropertySource).getSource().put(name, value);
private void removePropertyFromEnvironment(final String name) {
final var myPropertySource = this.env.getPropertySources().get("MyEnvironment");
if (myPropertySource != null) {
((MapPropertySource) myPropertySource).getSource().remove(name);
After removal, I think it should not be reset to the default value. After removal, it should be set to null
Hello, this issue also affects Maps. A key removed from the properties is not removed from the map on properties rebind. This seems to come from MapBinder.merge() that doesn't check for removed keys.