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Spring Native is now superseded by Spring Boot 3 official native support

Results 101 spring-native issues
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Generated `reflect-config.json` misses classes referenced by maven-hosted transitive dependency jar , but is included when comes as project transitive dependency. Reproducible sample can be found [here ](https://github.com/LogNet/grpc-spring-boot-starter/issues/199#issuecomment-903786167)

status: waiting-for-triage

Following the examples from the spring-native project, it is possible to weave aspects. However this only works for very "concrete" classes. 1) This works: @Around("execution(public * org.goafabric.calleeservice.logic.CalleeLogic.*(..))") public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint...

status: waiting-for-triage

Provide ``FieldDescriptor``s for fields belonging to the class described by `ClassDescriptor`. The exposed information should cover: - name - type - signature - annotations - access level - access methods...

type: enhancement

Read and expose type signature information for classes, methods (args, return type) via `ClassDescriptor` and `MethodDescriptor`. ```java // Lcom/example/BaseObject; class SomeObject extends BaseObject ```

type: enhancement

We can maybe send a PR to turn the usage of `Closure` into something more modern that would support Gradle Kotlin DSL.

type: task

In order to ensure that web applications in `spring-graalvm-native-samples` are testable and properly tested (at least with a simple in-container smoke test), we should do the following. 1. Ensure that...

type: task

The webjars locator is really nice, and is configured automatically in Spring Boot, but it doesn't work in a native image because there is no directory traversal on the classpath...

type: compatibility

jaxax.xml.transform.TransformerException: com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.functions.FuncNormalizeSpace.() at com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.compiler.FunctionTable.getFunction(FunctionTable.java:353)

type: compatibility

Currently, JSP pages in a Spring native app with an embedded Tomcat do not work out of the box. The issue is two-fold: 1. Tomcat is unable to locate these...

type: compatibility

As a follow-up of #165, It should be possible to build dev-oriented images with Paketo buildpacks in order to allow end-users to open a shell, debug with GDB (see related...

status: pending-design-work
type: enhancement