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Drupal install profile testing with Behat/Mink, Selenium, & TravisCI


No longer maintained by @sprice

A copy of the Drupal 7 Standard profile, with Behat/Mink testing using Travis CI.

Build Status


# Create Drupal codebase
drush make public_html

# Install Drupal
cd public_html
drush si classic --sites-subdir=default --db-url=mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost/DB_NAME --account-name=admin --account-pass=classic [email protected] --site-name="Drupal Classic Profile" --yes

# Install testing tools
cd profiles/classic/tests/behat
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
Configure Behat

Modify /profiles/classic/tests/behat/behat.yml Set base_url to your local host

# Run tests
cd /profiles/classic/tests/behat

Create behat.local.yml from the example file and set your drush alias for the site.

Files of note