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Platform API Doorkeeper Error (token validation)
Tokens created through the api does not work.
New tokens generated through the api are not validated. They are useless to perform any API call.
Token Creation
POST: {{baseUrl}}/spree_oauth/token
"grant_type": "password",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "spree123",
"scope": "admin"
"access_token": "ndlSsRMy0_1gaYM9l3_9gnJkZSJ548nOwPQUbsNql3M",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 7200,
"refresh_token": "JtMdc5Ok7aWvtxXa5PFuIsIQec1MGUGb6RWlmh8Mj-c",
"scope": "admin",
"created_at": 1651707394
Testing the new token (List roles)
GET {{baseUrl}}/api/v2/platform/roles?page=1&per_page=50&filter[name_eq]=admin
Request Headers:
Authorization: Bearer ff98ef8921ec88847dbd2bad8f6016eabca5e6e7764d42d1343ee631a0dce4e0
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept: */*
Postman-Token: 51aa0c64-1bdf-4fa3-97b9-c5273ad817cc
Host: localhost:4000
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt
"error": "Doorkeeper::Errors::DoorkeeperError"
Database tokens
select * from spree_oauth_access_tokens;
id | resource_owner_id | application_id | token | refresh_token | expires_in | revoked_at | created_at | scopes | previous_refresh_token | resource_owner_type
2 | 1 | | e5da3fe4a6a77c1e3fb0197e40086b0e50b4aaefdea03aeb4f4b68b93fabcad5 | d5e3f563fb7fa7c586b8e2da357a31b1ee6e7451ad8f96108ce36847232db561 | 7200 | | 2022-05-04 21:45:11.494058 | admin | | Spree::User
1 | 1 | 1 | c57d3dc7c4af16be07e86eceede7b4411151161bf906223f9c154d0ad7633131 | | | | 2022-04-23 00:11:41.21947 | admin | | Spree::User
3 | 1 | 2 | 45d9e10b422a36764ea7e298409b95beeb0ff673ae4f038a8cf1dbefbf6e8d78 | | | | 2022-05-04 23:01:30.76295 | admin | | Spree::User
4 | 1 | | e8c0ddf93f09f8027a31f3cb96f82911d44302ba1cb15745b8c1aa31d0637689 | fd9f35bc60e447318bcb510cf0044e714d92ab3804427e09a18ef77effe57c8f | 7200 | | 2022-05-04 23:02:51.257108 | admin | | Spree::User
5 | 1 | | ff98ef8921ec88847dbd2bad8f6016eabca5e6e7764d42d1343ee631a0dce4e0 | cfab324ae884d5afef8febbb3b406b75a3c36d4b4785d9367321419b34194fa9 | 7200 | | 2022-05-04 23:36:34.300075 | admin | | Spree::User
I don't know why the response to the new token creation is different from the token stored in the database:
ndlSsRMy0_1gaYM9l3_9gnJkZSJ548nOwPQUbsNql3M <> ff98ef8921ec88847dbd2bad8f6016eabca5e6e7764d42d1343ee631a0dce4e0
But any of them work trying to listing roles as stated before.
I think the problem is in the api/V2/Platform/resource_controller.rb when:
before_action :validate_token_client
since doorkeeper_token.application.nil? is true in:
def validate_token_client
return if doorkeeper_token.nil?
raise Doorkeeper::Errors::DoorkeeperError if doorkeeper_token.application.nil?
If I use the spree_oauth_access_token with id 1: c57d3dc7c4af16be07e86eceede7b4411151161bf906223f9c154d0ad7633131 everything goes right since it has: application_id = 1 and I could list roles and use any Platform service.
Expected Behavior
List the existing roles
Actual Behavior
Doorkeeper Error
Possible Fix
Steps to Reproduce
Your Environment
- Version used: 4.4.0
- Gemfile and Gemfile.lock as text in a Gist: (from spree_starter)
- Any relevant stack traces ("Full trace" preferred):
having same issue with 4.4
Having the same issue returning shipping methods.
{ "access_token": "19Y9wNRXx7I2l4UXq1Ks-vr60ssHOPBlU6gEiE1vmfc", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "7y8W9i6UAXqxVpzZ5Pi5G5sG8nJxAy5EXzbgvo7ZsmQ", "created_at": 1653397572 }
{ "error": "Doorkeeper::Errors::DoorkeeperError" }
Any workaround and plans to fix this would be really helpful?
It's been a while, but using MateoLa's method of finding and using the id: 1 token worked for me. I forget exactly where spree_oauth_access_tokens is in the DB but it's in there.
May I know which Spree version I should use in order not to get that error?
Closing this issue, as this is now fully described in the platform API docs: https://dev-docs.spreecommerce.org/api/platform-api/authenticating-requests