elasticsearch-index-window copied to clipboard
An Elasticsearch plugin that enables you to keep only the N latest indices.
An Elasticsearch plugin that enables you to keep an eye on timestamped indices and only keep the N latest ones.
elasticsearch-index-window plugin adds an end-point to elasticsearch REST API that facilitates creating, updating and deleting index-windows. The created index-windows live as long as Elasticsearch node is running. It also gets re-activated if the node gets restarted. The plugin writes the index-window configuration to an Elasticsearch index called "index-window", and during the node startup loads the stored configurations back and activates them. Therefore the index-window needs to be defined only once, and it will be persistent.
Create or update index window
Create an index window to keep the 5 latest indices that are prefixed by "my-index_" and they have a timestamp with the format of "yyyy-MM-dd". Do the check every 5 minutes:
POST index-window?index_prefix=my-index_&date_format=yyyy-MM-dd&keep=5&check_interval=5m
Note: the key of an index window is the index_prefix, so you cannot have multiple windows defined on the same index prefix.
Get all defined index windows
GET index-window/_search
Delete an index window
Delete the index window defined for indices with prefix "my-index_":
DELETE index-window/my-index_
Default parameter values
date_format = yyyy.MM.dd
keep = 7
check_interval = 30m
Build the project by this command:
mvn assembly:assembly -
take the created jar file in the "target" directory, called "index-window-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
install the jar file as any other plugin on your Elasticsearch node