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Unbale to connect spotify remote from android
I am trying to get spotify remote as follworing
object : Connector.ConnectionListener {
override fun onConnected(spotifyAppRemote: SpotifyAppRemote) {
mSpotifyAppRemote = spotifyAppRemote
Log.d(TAG, "Connected! Yay!")
// Now you can start interacting with App Remote
override fun onFailure(throwable: Throwable) {
if (throwable is NotLoggedInException || throwable is UserNotAuthorizedException) {
Log.e(TAG, "Not logged in : ${throwable.message}")
} else if (throwable is CouldNotFindSpotifyApp) {
Log.e(TAG, "Not downloaded : ${throwable.message}")
Log.e(TAG, throwable.message, throwable)
but there is no call back after this. A notification is coming "App is connecting" but there is nothing after that no call back no error nothing
Im having the same problem
I had the same issue. The documentation is not very clear IMO. From what I understood, you need first to authorize your application.
For this, you'll need first to add the authentification library into your project:
implementation '
Then, into your onCreate()
you'll be able to authorize your application using:
val request: AuthorizationRequest =
AuthorizationRequest.Builder(getString(R.string.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID), AuthorizationResponse.Type.TOKEN, getString(R.string.SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI))
AuthorizationClient.openLoginActivity(this, 1337, request)
The code above will open Spotify's LoginActivity
which will ask the user to authorize your app (if needed, depending the scopes you've requested in the builder).
You'll then get a response into onActivityResult()
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode == 1337) {
val response: AuthorizationResponse = AuthorizationClient.getResponse(resultCode, data)
when (response.type) {
AuthorizationResponse.Type.TOKEN -> {
// do whatever you need with the access token `response.accessToken`
// ADD YOUR CODE HERE and it should be able to play !
AuthorizationResponse.Type.ERROR -> {
Log.e(TAG, "Auth error : " + response.error)
else -> {
Log.e(TAG, "Auth result: " + response.type)
Yeah, the onActivityResult is what'll help you out. I can confirm this