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expanded shift data

Open hswerdfe opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

The function nhl_game_shifts aggregates the data from via a group_by function. This makes it harder to determine who is on the ice during any given event, in the play by play data as the player_id column is not maintained. I suggest making a new standalone function that returns the detailed game shift data nhl_game_shifts_detailed, this would make it easier to determine which players are on the ice for a given event.

hswerdfe avatar Jun 29 '22 20:06 hswerdfe

something like this might fit with your code, and allow a users to find the player on the ice during any event.

nhl_game_shifts_by_player <- function (game_id) 
  base_url <- ""
  full_url <- paste0(base_url, game_id)
  res <- httr::RETRY("GET", full_url)
  tryCatch(expr = {
    res %>% 
      httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") |> 
      jsonlite::fromJSON() |>
      magrittr::extract2('data') |>
      dplyr::tibble() |> janitor::clean_names() |>
      tidyr::unite("player_name", c(.data$first_name, 
                                    .data$last_name), sep = " ") |> 
                    .data$player_id, .data$player_name, .data$team_abbrev, 
                    .data$team_id, .data$team_name, .data$period, .data$start_time, 
                    .data$end_time, .data$duration) %>% dplyr::filter(!$duration)) |> 
      dplyr::mutate(start_time_ms = lubridate::ms(.data$start_time), 
                    start_seconds = lubridate::period_to_seconds(.data$start_time_ms), 
                    start_game_seconds = .data$start_seconds + (1200 * (.data$period - 1)), end_time_ms = lubridate::ms(.data$end_time), 
                    end_seconds = lubridate::period_to_seconds(.data$end_time_ms), 
                    end_game_seconds = .data$end_seconds + (1200 * (.data$period - 1)), 
                    duration = lubridate::ms(.data$duration), 
                    duration_seconds = lubridate::period_to_seconds(.data$duration)) |>
      fastRhockey:::make_fastRhockey_data("detailed NHL Game Shifts Information from", Sys.time())
  }, error = function(e) {
    message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: shift by player data for {game_id} generated an error, {e}."))
  }, warning = function(w) {
  }, finally = {

hswerdfe avatar Jun 29 '22 21:06 hswerdfe