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A guide to building web applications using Elm 0.18
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While walking through the tutorial i ran into error message saying "The CLI moved into a separate package: webpack-cli. Please install 'webpack-cli' in addition to webpack itself to use the...
It might be a misleading expression. https://www.elm-tutorial.org/en-v01/07-routing/10-navigation.html ``` Add a new function for this button at the end: ``` https://www.elm-tutorial.org/jp/07-routing/10-navigation.html ``` このボタンの最後に新しい機能を追加します: ``` Mostly this means, * A button is...
Japanese 07-routing/08-main's code below has diff among others. https://github.com/sporto/elm-tutorial/blob/master/jp/07-routing/08-main.md ``` init : Result String Route -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init result = let currentRoute = Routing.routeFromResult result ```...
``` -- When we do: divide 5 2 -- This is evaluated as: ((divide 5) 2) -- First `divide 5` is evaluated. -- The argument `5` is applied to `divide`,...
In the [View](https://www.elm-tutorial.org/en/07-routing/07-view.html) section, the function `page` causes a type mismatch ```elm page : Model -> Html Msg page model = case model.route of Models.PlayersRoute -> Players.List.view model.players Models.PlayerRoute id...
I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious, but [the section on Union types](https://www.elm-tutorial.org/en/01-foundations/05-union-types.html) starts mentioning `Yes` and `No`, and keeps dragging it through all examples without ever explaining what...
The below line in View.elm causes compilation error (cycle dependency), so I think it should be removed 😃 File: elm-tutorial/jp/04-starting/07-multiple-modules.md src / View.elm ``` import View exposing (view) ```
Hi, thanks for the Tutorial, very useful. For calibrating this "issue": I'm new to Elm with a strong Haskell background. One thing I found disturbing is that `Cmd` felt magical....