SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete copied to clipboard
An objective-c wrapper around the Google Places autocomplete API. Includes sample application emulating the "Maps" app.
Appreciate if you could update this so it works ? return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); "No UISearchDisplayController support methods should run on this version of iOS" Deployment Target 10.0....
As per new policies of Apple, we cannot use NSURLConnection in our code anymore. I am using "SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete" since 3 years in my Project. How do I update code to...
why does the search query only return 5 results? is it configurable?
GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it. See [bryant1410/readmesfix](https://github.com/bryant1410/readmesfix) for more information. Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1
please help when i enter any text it give me alert with REQUEST_DENIED ??
How to clear past search values in SPGooglePlace auto complete ? Thanks in advance.
Please help how I can get long and latitude from this library
Very often when I search for a business, it finds it along with the exact coordinates. However, the actual street address is missing. I was wondering if this was an...
hello, i am getting this warning but i cannot figure out why. The example app does not have this warning and i have imported all the files, etc. Any ideas?
Hi, thank's for yours work. I use it but and i've a question: How to obtain the address dictionary and not the string in the tableview? I want get results...