splunk-connect-for-syslog copied to clipboard
Stealth Intercept Parsing - Incorrect Sourcetypes
The parser app-syslog-stealthbits_stealthintercept_alerts.conf is not assigning the StealthINTERCEPT:alerts. Sample event:
StealthINTERCEPT - SI Analytics_Brute Force Attack - Severity=Warning Component=4 OrigServer=REDACTEDHOST usrName=SVC-Stealthbits UserName= UserSID= Started=May 03 01:26:00 Ended=May 03 04:58:00 NumberOfLogins=1940 UsedLoginProtocols=Kerberos AttackingHost=(UNKNOWN) AttackingHostIp= AttackedHost=DA6PCDC01.OCM.ORIXUSA.CORP AttackedHostIp= AlertText=Activity still in process.Attacking Host: (UNKNOWN); Attacked Host: REDACTEDHOST.ABC.EFG.CORP; Attack started: 5/3/2022 1:26:00 AM; Last activity: 5/3/2022 4:58:00 AM; Number of attempts: 1940
The REGEX in filter application app-syslog-stealthbits_stealthintercept_alerts[sc4s-syslog] matches the above event.
The parser for standard StealthINTERCEPT events is dropping logs into the main with the sc4s:fallback sourcetype. Sample event:
PRI=13 MESSAGE=REDACTEDHOST01 StealthINTERCEPT - Active Directory Object Modified - PolicyName="All AD Changes" Domain="ABC" Server="ABC\EFGHOST01" ServerAddress="" Perpetrator="ABC\ANONYMOUS LOGON" ClientHost="ABCHOST01.CDE.EFG.CORP" ClientAddress="" TargetHost="n/a" TargetHostIP="n/a" ModifiedObject="n/a" DistinguishedName="CN=XYZ,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ABC,DC=CORP" ObjectClass="site" SuccessfulChange="True" BlockedEvent="False" AttributeName="msDS-BridgeHeadServersUsed" Operation="Change Attribute" NewAttributeValue="CN=NTDS Settings,CN=EFGHOST01,CN=Servers,CN=EFGHOST01,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=CORPUSA,DC=CORP | GUID = {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} | SID = X-X-X-XX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX 0x14 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x46 0x66 0x7b 0x4d 0xae 0x24 0x9b 0x4a 0xb7 0x55 0x0c 0x5f 0xa2 0xf4 0xc2 0xab" OldAttributeValue=""
Thank you.
We need the message before parsing as well , with pri and all , can you please capture it in tcpdump, sanitise and share here
The tcpdump data contains host/domain details that cannot be masked without corrupting the entire pcap. Is there another method of getting the details you need?
@mmizener, We didn't hear anything from you on this issue. We are closing this issue for now.
Feel free to reach out in case of any further queries.