docker-splunk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-splunk copied to clipboard error on initial password hashing

Open vl-federico opened this issue 1 year ago • 11 comments

splunk/splunk:9.2 shows the following error on initialisation:

splunk  | TASK [splunk_common : Hash the password] ***************************************
splunk  | fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
splunk  |     "changed": false,
splunk  |     "cmd": [
splunk  |         "/opt/splunk/bin/splunk",
splunk  |         "hash-passwd",
splunk  |         "!234Qwer"
splunk  |     ],
splunk  |     "delta": "0:00:00.026730",
splunk  |     "end": "2024-02-15 08:35:52.678832",
splunk  |     "rc": 127,
splunk  |     "start": "2024-02-15 08:35:52.652102"
splunk  | }
splunk  |
splunk  | STDERR:
splunk  |
splunk  | /opt/splunk/bin/splunkd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Invalid argument

This error was not present on splunk/splunk:9.0.7.

vl-federico avatar Feb 15 '24 14:02 vl-federico

Can confirm that this does currently not work on macOS (Rosetta emulation). Tested with this command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=mysupersecurepassword" \
             -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" \
             -it --name so1 splunk/splunk:latest

wAuner avatar Feb 16 '24 07:02 wAuner

It appeared with the latest MacOS Sonoma security patch ( 14.3.1 ).

dd-Splunk avatar Feb 19 '24 12:02 dd-Splunk

@dd-Splunk I don't believe it is related that much to the MacOS Sonoma security patch, but to the distribution of the Linux image. Splunk version 9.1.2 works without any issues, but all the images 9.1.3+ have issues.

It seems like Splunk have changed how they build lib/

More than that, if you copy lib/ from 9.1.2 release to the release - it starts fine.

More than that, if you compare the two libraries:

execstack -q splunk-9.1.2/lib/
- splunk-9.1.2/lib/
execstack -q splunk-
X splunk-

So this library marked with the executable stack flag in the latest releases, and the system is actually doing a right thing by blocking this library to load, as this seems like a security issue. Why would this library need to have executable memory? Is that a security issue?

I am sure, if you try to run Splunk on any linux with more secure protection like NX and DEP, you probably will see the same issue. And my guess if you would play with apparmor on Docker for Mac, you probably can run it without any issues.

And to workaround the issue, you can do the following, install execstack, and clear the flag with execstack -c $SPLUNK_HOME/lib/ - after that you can start latest Splunk images just fine.

I do believe, that this is a security issue in Splunk distribution, and I am honestly surprised that it is not caught by now.

outcoldman avatar Feb 19 '24 15:02 outcoldman

Yep for me it appeared right after the Sec update and as my compose always download the "latest" it just downloaded the 9.1.3 and I didn't notice the version change.

dd-Splunk avatar Feb 19 '24 16:02 dd-Splunk

Same problem here for Linux version when running splunk-dashboard-studio addon (I'm running 9.0.6 due to multiple reasons),

Created multiple symbolic links to solve:

$ pwd 
$ ls -alh
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 Feb 25 09:42 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   34 Feb 25 09:42 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Feb 25 09:40 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   29 Feb 25 09:40 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   25 Feb 25 09:41 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   31 Feb 25 09:41 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 Feb 25 09:36 -> /opt/splunk/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 Feb 25 09:36 -> /opt/splunk/lib/

kmahyyg avatar Feb 25 '24 09:02 kmahyyg

this command works perfectly fine for me on Sonoma mac with Intel chip. what machine are you using? also for @kmahyyg, are you facing the same error for your linux instance? can you share some more information about the instance? If that information is sensitive, maybe try raising a ticket with the splunk support team.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=mysupersecurepassword" -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license"  -it --name so1 splunk/splunk:latest

adityapinglesf avatar Feb 28 '24 18:02 adityapinglesf

this command works perfectly fine for me on Sonoma mac with Intel chip. what machine are you using? also for @kmahyyg, are you facing the same error for your linux instance? can you share some more information about the instance? If that information is sensitive, maybe try raising a ticket with the splunk support team.

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=mysupersecurepassword" -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license"  -it --name so1 splunk/splunk:latest

I'm using a 16-inch MacBook Pro (M1) 2021.

vl-federico avatar Feb 29 '24 09:02 vl-federico

Mac with Intel chips are doing fine, Apple Silicon with Rosetta emulation encounters the issue.

dd-Splunk avatar Feb 29 '24 09:02 dd-Splunk

ah! the emulations do not work. I am working on adding an arm compatible image. no ETA, that should resolve this situation.

adityapinglesf avatar Mar 05 '24 02:03 adityapinglesf

I have found the workaround for Apple Silicon.

Once you initialize the docker run, run the following commands very quickly, at light speed.

docker exec -it splunk_free /bin/sh -c "sudo microdnf install dnf -y;sudo dnf install -y;sudo execstack -c /opt/splunk/lib/"

We will pass the problematic enable_admin_auth step. Next, if you encounter the restart/starting splunkd freezing, then you need to unset volume.

Everything works now on Docker container with Apple Silicon.

Screenshot 2567-03-18 at 00 33 16

pich4ya avatar Mar 17 '24 17:03 pich4ya

outcoldman avatar Jul 02 '24 11:07 outcoldman