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forwarder latest docker image fails to start
Image: splunk/universalforwarder:latest
You can reproduce it with:
or as described here:
Universal forwarder
never starts with the the following error:
[WARNING]: Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user. This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see
^C [ERROR]: User interrupted execution
Warning: Attempting to revert the SPLUNK_HOME ownership
Warning: Executing "chown -R splunk /opt/splunkforwarder"
Error calling execve(): No such file or directory
Error launching command: No such file or directory
splunkd is not running.
=> Working fine in 8.2.9.
I'm also having the same problem, the splunkd never launches, except when reverting to version 8.2.9
I've raised this to splunk via there support portal; case ref is 3200123
Will update this once I hear back.
This looks to be a duplicate of
I got the following response; it's a known issue
This is a known Docker bug, its currently working in progress with Expected fix: 9.1.0 As of now the workaround is as follows
- Remove: /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/myinstall/splunkd.xml file then start Splunk
Or this can be confgured:
- Add the following to the compose file: splunk: tty: true
I've asked for a date when version 9.1.0 will be released.
This was fixed in 9.0.5; I haven't tested it myself but assured it is.
Found this issue today because I've been having this exact issue with version 9.0.5. So it is not fixed with 9.0.5. Looks like will need to stick with 8.2X until version 9.1.0 is released with a fix for this issue.
Same here @flaken2000 , it is NOT fixed with 9.0.5! :(
I can't believe why it's taking so much time to fix this bug, which has been going on since September ( Instead, you have to use 8.2.X versions which are quite risky from a security point of view.
The whole ansible process gets stuck when it comes to a task where it needs to call ./splunk.
For example:
- get_splunk_status task:
- if the following SPLUNK_BEFORE_START_CMD flag is used, this task will also be stuck: pre_splunk_start_commands
If you go inside the container and kill of those process, you will get the following error message:
Error calling execve(): No such file or directory
Error launching command: Invalid argument
I can't believe why it's taking so much time to fix this bug, which has been going on since September (#557). Instead, you have to use 8.2.X versions which are quite risky from a security point of view.
The whole ansible process gets stuck when it comes to a task where it needs to call ./splunk.
For example:
- get_splunk_status task:
- if the following SPLUNK_BEFORE_START_CMD flag is used, this task will also be stuck: pre_splunk_start_commands
If you go inside the container and kill of those process, you will get the following error message:
Error calling execve(): No such file or directory Error launching command: Invalid argument
It's been almost 1 year since it was broken :(
Hey All,
Re-raising back to splunk now... as I've doubled check and yep you still need the workaround to make 9.0.5
9.0.5 was updated yesterday. I was able to get the UF running with the following command -
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 8089:8089 -e "SPLUNK_PASSWORD=trypass@" -e "SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license" --name uf-1 -it splunk/universalforwarder:9.0.5
Can you try now with the newly released image?
Hi @adityapinglesf
Thanks, it is working now.
Confirmed! Working for us too.
Hi, I am facing the same above error in 9.x versions. I am using this linux command to start the splunk server. /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start --accept-license This command works with lower versions. Can anyone pls help?