Gallery copied to clipboard
Feature Request/Suggestions
Hi Great work on the plugin, a few small things that may help [that I never got around]
Overall, treat the galleries more like we are used to treating resources ~ it would be great to be able to drag or 'create' a gallery resource in the resource browser and treat it as a child of a document resource!! [and by great I mean great for the non-savvy end user, associating a gallery with a resource can be a bit of an issue for the non-technical users]
- ability to set/modify publish dates on galleries [!!] I can pull the original publish date , but that does not help me if the gallery is old [i.e. migrating an old gallery from another site]
- Access Permissions
- PLEASE! ability to set permissions on galleries [and possibly individual images] - I'm having the issue right now where a user has private and public galleries - I either have to write some conditional code ~or~ even worse duplicate [!!] it and pull the galleries from another parent!
- Original image widths & heights...
- is it possible to pass the original image widths and heights to the gallery item/row/thumb tpl? I am using awslider which has the ability to dynamically alter the height of the display div IF it has the image dimensions ~ which I could not find out how to do with gallery...... ALSO this would be way better for browser rendering times.
-thanks -sean
I managed to add some code to the galleryItem snippet, please think about implementing something similar in your next version....
[code] // start image dimension placeholders $itemArray['image_absolute'] = $modx->getOption('gallery.files_url').$item->get('filename'); $dimensions = getimagesize(MODX_BASE_PATH . $itemArray['image_absolute']); $itemArray['dimensionx'] = $dimensions[0]; $itemArray['dimensiony'] = $dimensions[1]; $itemArray['dimensionxy'] = $dimensions[3]; // end image dimension placeholders [/code]
Access Permissions would be nice, actualliy I have to do a lot of hand work, for simple user rights.
Did the dimensions itemArray make it into a previous build and then get dropped recently? Worth putting in I think; gets my vote!