pimenu copied to clipboard
Stringvar() definition
Hi, thank you for a great job on this project!
I am adding some functions based on a button press which is coupled to a function. However, the entry field is not updated while typing, and so i need to reload the menu item to get the typed data in the variable. Now i read that using variable.set(entryInput) is the way to go to update this data on the fly. But for this to work i need to make the variable "StringVar()".
Here is the problem:
The pimenu code does not look like the Tkinter examples that i find online. I cannot find "import Tkinter as tk" in the pimenu code. And now i'm lost on how to define my Stringvar variables. I really could use your help with this.
Remove just 'tk.' at the begin of yours function and add at begin of script
from Tkinter import Entry
So here