dokuwiki-plugin-data copied to clipboard
Erratic adding/removing of '#'
I noticed a weird behaviour or the data plugin: When editing a dataentry via the plugins editor, sometimes '#' get added, sometimes '#' get removed.
One good example for add/remove/add/remove '#':[0]=1440708020&rev2[1]=1441478024&difftype=sidebyside
On the right side, click on the arrow to see the '#' getting added and removed, without user interaction.
I havn't found a rule for when this happens and when not, thus the "erratic" in the subject.
Can you please fix this bug, so that the status of the '#' is left intact after each edit, and not changed by the plugins editor?
This seems to be related to #187 indeed. Normally empty comments would not be created by editing through the form. I suspect a LF get's added here too.