dokuwiki-plugin-bureaucracy copied to clipboard
Fieldset no longer support Labels
Fieldset no longer support labels as described in plugin:bureaucracy
Here is my label file:
====== Labels - Open a Ticket ======
* contact = "Contact Information"
* issue = "Issue"
* files = "Upload Images"
* create = "Create your Ticket"
* first_name = "First Name"
* last_name = "Last Name"
* email = "Email"
* phone = "Phone"
* priority = "Priority"
* subject = "Subject"
* description = "Description"
* file = "File"
* file1 = "File 1"
* file2 = "File 2"
* file3 = "File 3"
* file4 = "File 4"
* file5 = "File 5"
* open = "Open Ticket"
Here is my form file:
====== Open a Ticket ======
Action mail @@email@@
Action template :en:private:bureaucracy:templates:ticket :en:private:bureaucracy:tickets:open: -
Labels :en:private:bureaucracy:labels:open-a-ticket
Usemailtemplate :en:private:bureaucracy:templates:new
Subject "Ticket - @@ticketid@@ - @@priority@@"
Thanks "My Message"
Fieldset contact
Textbox first_name
Textbox last_name
Textbox email
Textbox phone
Fieldset "issue"
Select priority "Low|Normal|High|Critical"
Textbox subject
Textarea description
Fieldset "files"
File file1 ..:@@ticketid@@
File file2 ..:@@ticketid@@
File file3 ..:@@ticketid@@
File file4 ..:@@ticketid@@
File file5 ..:@@ticketid@@
Fieldset "create"
Hiddenautoinc ticketid @
hidden created "=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
Submit open
Result is the label does not get replaced with the corresponding key in the label file.
Here is what I tried:
Tried 3 templates, the default template, Writr and Bootstrap3. Tried with and without the quotes.