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fix(cloudfoundry): Test failure due to change in behaviour of recursive comparison used by assertj-core while upgrading spring boot 2.4.x

Open j-sandy opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

During upgrade of spring boot from 2.3.x to 2.4.x, encountered the below test failure in clouddriver-cloudfoundry module:

Failures (1):
 JUnit Jupiter:ApplicationsTest:findServerGroupByNameAndSpaceId()
   MethodSource [className = '', methodName = 'findServerGroupByNameAndSpaceId', methodParameterTypes = '']
   => java.lang.AssertionError:
 <CloudFoundryServerGroup(account=pws, appsManagerUri=some-apps-man-uri/organizations/org-id/spaces/space-guid/applications/server-group-guid, metricsUri=some-metrics-uri/apps/server-group-guid, name=server-group, id=server-group-guid, memory=0, droplet=CloudFoundryDroplet(id=droplet-guid, name=server-group-droplet, stack=null, buildpacks=[], space=CloudFoundrySpace(id=space-guid, name=space-name, organization=CloudFoundryOrganization(id=org-id, name=org-name)), sourcePackage=CloudFoundryPackage(downloadUrl=, checksumType=package-checksum-type, checksum=package-check-sum-value)), diskQuota=0, healthCheckType=null, healthCheckHttpEndpoint=null, state=STARTED, space=CloudFoundrySpace(id=space-guid, name=space-name, organization=CloudFoundryOrganization(id=org-id, name=org-name)), updatedTime=1659720517027, createdTime=1659720517027, env={}, serviceInstances=[], ciBuild=CloudFoundryBuildInfo(jobName=null, jobNumber=null, jobUrl=null), appArtifact=ArtifactInfo(name=null, version=null, url=null), pipelineId=null, instances=[], loadBalancerNames=null)>
to be equal to:
 <CloudFoundryServerGroup(account=pws, appsManagerUri=some-apps-man-uri/organizations/org-id/spaces/space-guid/applications/server-group-guid, metricsUri=some-metrics-uri/apps/server-group-guid, name=server-group, id=server-group-guid, memory=0, droplet=CloudFoundryDroplet(id=droplet-guid, name=null, stack=null, buildpacks=null, space=null, sourcePackage=null), diskQuota=0, healthCheckType=null, healthCheckHttpEndpoint=null, state=STARTED, space=CloudFoundrySpace(id=space-guid, name=space-name, organization=CloudFoundryOrganization(id=org-id, name=org-name)), updatedTime=1659720517027, createdTime=1659720517027, env={}, serviceInstances=[], ciBuild=CloudFoundryBuildInfo(jobName=null, jobNumber=null, jobUrl=null), appArtifact=ArtifactInfo(name=null, version=null, url=null), pipelineId=null, instances=[], loadBalancerNames=null)>
when recursively comparing field by field, but found the following 4 differences:

field/property 'droplet.buildpacks' differ:
- actual value   : []
- expected value : null

field/property '' differ:
- actual value   : "server-group-droplet"
- expected value : null

field/property 'droplet.sourcePackage' differ:
- actual value   : CloudFoundryPackage(downloadUrl=, checksumType=package-checksum-type, checksum=package-check-sum-value)
- expected value : null

field/property '' differ:
- actual value   : CloudFoundrySpace(id=space-guid, name=space-name, organization=CloudFoundryOrganization(id=org-id, name=org-name))
- expected value : null

The recursive comparison was performed with this configuration:
- no overridden equals methods were used in the comparison (except for java types)
- these types were compared with the following comparators:
 - java.lang.Double -> DoubleComparator[precision=1.0E-15]
 - java.lang.Float -> FloatComparator[precision=1.0E-6]
- actual and expected objects and their fields were compared field by field recursively even if they were not of the same type, this allows for example to compare a Person to a PersonDto (call strictTypeChecking(true) to change that behavior).
      java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

The root cause is breaking change introduced in assertj 3.17 for recursive comparison implementation of usingRecursiveComparison() method by ignoring all overridden equals as default. Since spring boot 2.3.12 uses assertj-core:3.16.1 and upgrade to spring boot 2.4.13 brings assertj-core 3.18.1 as transitive dependency, this breaking change comes into effect.

The fix is to revert back to old behaviour by introducing usingOverriddenEquals() method while using assertj-core:3.18.1 introduced by spring boot 2.4.13.

This fix is applicable after upgrading clouddriver to spring boot 2.4.x, otherwise it will break the build and test.

j-sandy avatar Aug 10 '22 08:08 j-sandy

The following commits need their title changed:

  • 2a6ea81a515f9e5a73d5d5b6eb6dd142e628ae9c: fix(clouddriver-cloudfoundry): Test failure due to change in behaviour of recursive comparison used by assertj-core while upgrading spring boot 2.4.x

Please format your commit title into the form:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>, e.g. fix(kubernetes): address NPE in status check

This allows us to easily generate changelogs & determine semantic version numbers when cutting releases. You can read more about commit conventions here.

spinnakerbot avatar Aug 10 '22 08:08 spinnakerbot

Included in

dbyron-sf avatar Sep 27 '22 20:09 dbyron-sf