skynet_systemtap_set copied to clipboard
systemtap script for skynet customize lua vm
Skynet a lightweight online game framework with customize lua vm. The lua proto is in SharedProto. This script extract skynet's customize lua vm stack by systemtap. It can print logs to draw flamegraph.
Skynet是一个在线游戏框架,为了节省内存占用使用了共享proto的lua vm。这个工具利用systemtap抓取lua栈,分析函数代码的热路径。可以根据skynet里的服务id来单独看一个服务的lua栈。
#change the skynet bin source to your path, and add -g to 3rd/lua Makefile in skynet project
sudo ./ skynet_pid skynet_bin_path serviceid_in_decimal
Then use dump_lua_function to convert filename:lineno to filename:func.