Yes, that's pretty simple to do. The relevant code is here: https://github.com/spillz/picty/blob/master/modules/picty/collectiontypes/localstorebin.py#L78 Need to define a few more keys for hour, minute, etc. Then need to make the combobox a...
The original idea was to support tags and other metadata in addition to dates, which aren't in any spec. So I just went with something that was readable. It can...
This is fine as a workaround for your particular case, but doesn't address the problem of providing a flexible naming system. It's good to see you dabbling with the code...
The relevant UI code is here: https://github.com/spillz/picty/blob/master/modules/picty/collectiontypes/localstorebin.py#L165 On line 178 change ComboBox to ComboBoxEntry then in get_options and set_options, get_form_data will returns a tuple (index, string value) instead of an...
Sadly all of the plugins are a little rough due to lack of time to work on them. I would like to provide binaries but would prefer to use an...
I am going to follow the lead of the Fortran project and make the python plugins a set of externally maintained "contrib" plugins. This will mean the project is automatically...
Based on the Wikipedia entry I think the basic AB estimator can be estimated using your univariate GMM IV estimator. I started playing around in an IPython Notebook and created...
Actually, scratch this: >The more complicated AB estimator is a system IV. It turns out it just stacks the differenced and undifferenced data and adds some additional instruments for the...
Thorough documentation by Roodman (creator of xtabond2): http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0159
Yes, I'll add the system GMM estimator to the gist I linked above.